Here’s me commentary on legends helping seals get untangled from dodgy rubbish. Find out more about Ocean Conservation Namibia with the following links:
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Ozzy Man
Brilliant! Thank you so much!
That's a lot of fishing line wrapped around those seal pups. ?
Humans doing good for once! Good on them!
I'm amazed at the men who do this. I don't know how they keep track of the seals, much less spot them.
1:52 ???? this part is hillarious
I've been watching these deal rescues for years, but OM makes them much better!
You have my seal of approval
Your sound fading in your videos aswel as your commentary is second to none!!!
"Hoomans, hoomans… run…"
Wherever humans go we ruin
I mean i could watch hours of this
I can hardly believe it, my two favorite vids together!! YAY!!!!
I love the way you narrate the videos
This is surprisingly heartwarming
It was already so good watching them rescue those seals, my man made it better n better
Get to the chopper LOL!! Seriously great blokes tho!!
Can't believe you picked on Naude – no JK, this was gold!
Get to da chopper XD Dying
awesome and hilarious
"Into the chopper!"
"what fucking chopper???"
These people are awesome!!
Hoomans, Hoomans!!!
Ocean conservation Namibia does great work.
The Stuff there cutting off the seals, I assume its fishing net?
I love these OCN guys…❤️❤️ They are awesome ?
Thank you. Thank you ?
Glad to see some people don't suck
This was brilliant.
I'm glad there are real humans left in the world. I get a little worried sometimes.
I know I know, noone likes facts these days… But fisher nets literally make up 50%(!) of the ocean plastic pollution. And studies suggest that by 2050 our oceans will have more plastic in them than fish.
The same fish which theses seals, orcas, dolphins and all the others need for food.
I am not making these numbers and studies up. I dare you to google them if you don`t want to believe me.
So please, if you love wildlife and the oceans, consider going vegan.
Love this.
Seal: I walk through the valley of the shadow of…..F…K!!! ??