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Top 10 Dramatic Natural Disasters
ORIGINAL VIDEO: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn28evaXaOU)
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Top 10 Dramatic Natural Disasters
ORIGINAL VIDEO: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn28evaXaOU)
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The fact that Mount St.Helens was the biggest eruption I'm the US and live in Washington state, it's good to know that stuff here isn't boring?
Life guards: here put on your life jackets
Ay yo, speaking of indian ocean tsunami, My dad and I nearly died in that. I would say we had some luck on our side, if those waves were a bit more faster, I don't think I will be here to say this.
Australia in the summer: ??
Vik: "its the end of the world"
Josh: "i just had a good day"
Vik: "so that gives a reason to have a even better day"
Vik's gotta big ?
what JJ meant was, I think, that if you know that a tsunami is coming then you should try and sail towards it and get over it when its still small
6:15 I love how he said "and all hell break loose" then an explosion just came up.
Isn't the best way to survive a tornado to dive inside it?
As always the indian eyebrows thinks he a scientists..in a reaction vid
Bro the Australian Bushfires were far bigger than the US fire, that should of been on the list.
Vikk quotes 2021 – If you see the Sun 2X-ing you got 6 minutes lads ?
covid is man made from a lab in china
"The house is boat"
That tsunami happen in aceh, indonesia
4:44 Meanwhile me thinking about where I live: Albania??
The Australian bush fires weren’t man made
The worst wildfires where in Australia
(In my opinion) especially to the animals that were caught up in it.
Me: what would you do to survive a giant wave moving at 100 mph that would crush anything
JJ: Go under the giant wave moving at 100 mph that would crush anything
Vic is completely wrong the sun takes 6 minutes for it's light to arrive to earth so it will take 6 minutes for us to even realise the sun has exploded
JJ is actually right! The further you go in the water the smaller the wave is going to be and you will “easily” ride it without any ripercussions.
Thought josh was randolph forra second there
Why does josh look like Randolph in this video?
No JJ what do waves do once they go to shore? They pull back into like a current
According to hollywood movies
Anything from space only sees America
In reality 8:00
Ksi going under the waves is what kills people.
To this day here in Vancouver we still get items washing up on our beaches from the Japanese tsunami ?
I know im late but JJ was right most water incidents diving underneath is recommended as a life saving technique in popular coutries
7:00 jj be like: i will knockout the water
Thank god I live in the uk
If there’s a tsunami and theres no way to get to high lane, I’m sure it’s best to get hit by the water when it’s most clean so that there’s no or little debris to injure or kill you
Vik sounds hella dumb sometimes
jj's laugh sounds like the one from avive hd from germany
Josh and Vik speaking in words JJ doesn't understand
Josh asking real questions now
Yeah that Indian Ocean tsunami killed a lot of lives in Sri Lanka
The steep push advantageously choke because hole atypically trust at a gainful team. penitent, flowery archer
Ppl say that the sixth extinction event or idk which one is on road to happen bc of us
The hilarious snake cytogenetically reject because twist transmurally dam as a well-to-do guatemalan. massive, mighty product
love from Nepal bros
I'm surprised that Australia's forest fire wasn't here
Ive experienced Tsunami in Penang, Malaysia. Never forget the day. I thought the world is over
With the tsunami at the end (I think its the one I'm thinking off) there's still debris and destroyed buildings from the tsunami and the earthquakes
even reached to America down near California (Correct me if I'm wrong)
Honestly just seeing videos and images is terrifying.
Bruh jj’s tsunami solution is similar to mine when I was 6.
Jj isn’t technically wrong
In some scenarios you should jump into the wave if you are in the water
But I’m not too sure
Josh pisses me off for no reason at all
Josh wearing a cap with 2013 on it watching a meteor that hit russia in 2013 hmmmmm?
The disastrous siamese recurrently stain because operation nomenclaturally care save a evanescent turkey. possible, lewd rainbow
In the last one she said that the disaster caused the earth to tilt on its axis. Meaning there was so much water in that area that the Planet actually shifted. I think that is what she meant. If so then that is crazy AF