Update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tc2fcTB_PZI
Mirroring his Oscars acceptance speech in which he spoke to the plight of mother cows and their babies, Phoenix helps to liberate a cow and her newborn calf from a Los Angeles slaughterhouse and bring them to Farm Sanctuary.
Phoenix said, “I never thought I’d find friendship in a slaughterhouse, but meeting Anthony and opening my heart to his, I realize we might have more in common than we do differences. Without his act of kindness, Liberty and her baby calf, Indigo, would have met a terrible demise. Although we will continue to fight for the liberation of all animals who suffer in these oppressive systems, we must take pause to acknowledge and celebrate the victories, and the people who helped achieve them. Shaun Monson, Amy Jean Davis, and the entire LA Animal Save community, have taken their pain of bearing witness and turned it into effective, diplomatic advocacy for the voiceless. As a result, Liberty and Indigo will never experience cruelty or the touch of a rough hand.
My hope is, as we watch baby Indigo grow up with her mom Liberty at Farm Sanctuary, that we’ll always remember that friendships can emerge in the most unexpected places; and no matter our differences, kindness and compassion should rule everything around us.”
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A great liberation.
My heart really goes out to the cows who could not follow this mom and her baby as much as they desperately wanted to.
Added to cow protection playlist.
Jai Gau Mata !
this is a really good slaughterhouse
i gotta point out…..
when we inseminate the cows we do it on their hormone high
(the time when cows want to be impregnated)
to all you vegans saying its rape plz educate yourself
I am crying river of happy tears. Bless every life form! humans, animals, plants and mother nature for nurturing. Its time for humans to understand their role as a responsible and conscious being to respect every life form! Humans, Stop destroying mother nature and animals for selfish needs!
I’ve always loved you as an actor ,but my love for you as human being has really gone up …
I have seen people behave badly with cows and their babies.. it was so painful ??
Look at the baby , she's just not wiling to separate from her mother
Food is just a pile of molecules that are useful to our body, please choose to obtain your molecules from non-sentient sources ?
Wow! Did I learn a lot about slaughter houses. Well at least this one doesn't slaughter mommas and babies. I can't believe someone actually sold a pregnant cow to a slaughter house! Sick!
Mr. Phoenix now that's an Oscar!
How much money does Phoenix get from the Chinese box office? Does he realize how much he profits from Chinese oppression? Moooo…
Oft denke ich darüber nach, warum Menschen immer wieder zum Leid der Tiere handeln und frage mich immer wieder, was geht wohl in Ihnen vor? Es ist schwer, damit klar zu kommen, immer wieder zu erkennen, dass es viele gar nicht interessiert, was diese armen Seelen ertragen müssen. Dann schaue ich mir diesen Film an, immer und immer wieder und ich weiß, dass es Hoffnung gibt… Dann geht es mir besser.
Bitte mehr von solchen Aktion… Herzensmensch?
I never want to eat meat again
God bless you Joaquin, you are a gem of a person… I have never had any aspirations of meeting any stars or celebrities, but given a chance, I'd be delighted if I get even an hour to spend with you… Jai Shree Krishna my freind ??♥️♥️????
river is smiling
He is going to be the most incredible father in the world.
I'm all for PETA! People Eating Tasty Animals!
You're not real intelligent, Animals were put on earth to be eaten. Ain't nothing like a big ol' ribeye! Just another Hollywood, "Look at me, I want attention" sham!
"Run to recue with Love and Peace will follow" "Corre al rescate con
Amor y la Paz le seguira" Powerfull and unforgettable verse. Thank you so much
brothers, River a Joaquin Phoenix.
His love for animals he's a true human being ?☀️
Please check out Rowdy Girl SANCTUARY TX
“Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow”
River Phoenix
Tears of joy !❤ mama and baby, thank you! For your ? love compassion ❤!
Just BEAUTIFUL!!???❤️❤️❤️
This gave me a totally warm and wonderful feeling towards Joaquin Phoenix. We always hear that he's crazy as a crazy side wants to be a rapper and stuff like that but this shows like the most moving side of a very deep and kind and wonderful man I just want to hug him. Thank you for sharing this.