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About the Author: TurningJappanesse


  1. As far as the Stonehenge one is concerned, there were hippies camping out there in the 1960's with a bonfire singing folk songs. (This was before the fences were erected)The police were called and as the police were approaching the site a bolt of lightning hit the stones. The stones turned, if I remember correctly, a neon bluish/green color; the police heard them screaming, a moment later they disappeared. This is a matter of record. Perhaps that was one of the hippies?

  2. This video was better than 3. You are listening to people's criticism and learning! That's a sign of a mature person. You have a knack for finding videos that I have never seen and that's great. Keep working on improving your skills. 🙂

  3. man all the violent comments over  videos that no one maken the comments have any proof that the vids are real or fake. does anyone even think that an atomic explosion killing so many spirits could've effected them on an sub atomic level that we don't understand yet. yeah they can be fake but could just as easily been real but either way have we not evolved past the barbaric behavior displayed by  so many on the internet, if you don't understand something be human enough to say you don't understand please don't behave like animals no one benefits from that

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