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3:28 that kotl has a god damn skadi O.O
Am I dead? Oh. Yes, I am. xD
the one that gets me to laugh is the "IM OMNIKNIGHT" by Reaves. Keep that up!! I havent watched all the videos
Autoattacks Anonymous
helo my name is sunsfan asdqwidnskadqwodmslamdwdni
Dimahui from this video means from Russian Dima is dick
Turn it off anyway. Just A click if you need the game to do stuff for ya. 8)
But clicking on every creep is hard…
pretty sure they get them from low priority
timbersaw is so fucking noob
this fucking furion
_.. reported..I love how they censored, "Fuck Off", but you still see it in the clip cleary, hahaha
DIma(name)hui(dick) = DmitrriyDick
did anyone notice turtle on cliff. wtf in dota turtles fly cmon
Eu adoro esta gente XDDDD
Gentrification is the process by which lower income bracket communities are displaced out of their community when higher income bracket families and investors gradually raise the property tax in the area by block investment and purchasing homes, causing a great migration out of the community.
It's a pretty disgusting and ultimately racist modern practice of pushing out communities of people with economic force.
By the way.
Kotl skadi?
Shadow Amulet got buff 😀
its like a cat playing with a plastic bag…. LMAO
hhahahahahaa the horse was unsure of the situation LOL GOD I FUCKING LOVE REAVES !!!
kawai davai
Dont need auto attack when you have attack move…
мне почему то жалко этих нубов)
Problem: Auto Attack sometimes gets me killed.
Solution: HOLD "H"