Vehicle Zone is a channel that show all:
Total IDIOTS Vs TRAIN | Close Calls , Scary Train Crashes with Cars and Semi Trucks
Extremely Dangerous Heavy Equipment Fails | Huge Cranes Collapse & Demolition Excavators Gone Wrong
Crazy Bus VS Dangerous Roads | Bus Nearly Falls off Cliff, Crossing Extremely Muddy & Steep Hill
Crazy Excavators Vs Building | Demolition Gone Wrong , Building Collapses on Diggers
BIG SHIP COLLISIONS AT SEA | Ship Sinking & Stupid Captains Mistakes
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Nice to show how fool they are!
at 4:52 that crossing gate got body slammed hard!
Why these idiots are driving on the left side in Poland?
The stupidity of some people is amazing!?
its amazing how many alcoholics drive trucks, basically every truck driving is a drunk
Wtf is wrong with some of these truck drivers
Why am i watching this??? Knowing im taking Amtrak from Modesto to SD tomorrow ? that's 10hours
Do the engineers get to paint little trucks , cars and cows on the train to show their total ? Can they be aces ?
2:48 poor birdie
1:30 that's a tough little bastard!! Wow!! Respect all the way.
We have to have the obligatory OMG OMG!
Thinning the herd removing the stupid people's
the best collection.
Funny how quickly people in a hurry get delayed because of their stupidity. It's like the turtle and the hare.
ada saatnya manusia menjadi tolol
Some truck drivers are not the brightest bulb on the tree
Great, another YubeTube channel that wants me to use a mirror in order to watch a video. Thumbs down.
"Oh lord have mercy"
God:"I am building a PLANET here . . . .for me sake, STOP RUNNING CLEARLY MARKED BARRIERS !! stop asking me for help when its your own fault"
Very big idiots…
At 6 inutes 25 seconds railway accident in viet nam right
These incidents must be truly terrifying for the train drivers. And please … no more animal ones hmmm?
The UTTER stupidity and IGNORANCE will continue, long after people see these video's. ANYONE who tries to beat a train or has not the experience and know how, to get through the barrier. You should just stay with the vehicle and let it happen with you in it! Because if you get away with your life and word gets out. You will want to go with the vehicle! That cop going through with a double line. He should have known. It's common sense Law. Do hope he/she was ok though!
I hate that you guys showed the animals
Please don't show animals dying.
I hope that bus was empty
People can be so stupid
Some of those long trailers were "High Centred" , hung up on the tracks. The Tractors were unable to move them. Driver error. No cure for Stupid.
Great action, stupid people, but great action!