When training at the gym it is worth knowing how to protect your body from overtraining and injury, which will not only discourage us from activity, but can cause unpleasant consequences for our health
There are athletes who despite many years of training never got injured. It is enough if you remember a few important tips to train safely.
The most important is the appropriate warm-up. A properly conducted warm-up is a guarantee of safe training.
It is also worth remembering not to stretch before exercise
After performing a proper warm-up, you should not immediately perform the first series with an increased load.
Before each series it is good to do one series with less load, but with more repetitions. Thanks to this we program our nervous system to carry out the correct movement.
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Please take this video with humor.
This videos are for educational purpose with a bit of sarcasm.
Quote for Today:
Never Give Up, beacuse great things take time!
The voice used in the film is not the best, but I hope you like it.
Some people come here to laugh and make themselves feel better, while others come to learn and draw conclusions
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#fitnessfails #workoutfails #gymfails #crossfitfails
I love that classic Wii music lol
I'd love to do 5:58 at a Planet (lack of) Fitness just to watch them melt down.
Do it do it do it what you do hahaha
This is what happens when you skip brain day.
Matt Greggo being cool with that old dude. ?
Dude at 6:00 is a fucking beast. If anyone else can lift that much weight without screaming show me lol.
Videos like this is why I use dumbbells instead of barbells lol
5:52 ???
I dont get the need to call them stupid, it's just disrespectful. Some of these dudes just failed weren't even doing anything dumb.
2:00 thats pretty impressive
1:05 if you look better than him in 1 month, tell me your secret young fella..
Cross fit+"certified" cross fit coach=quickest way to the disability line.
had to watch this on mute
Why was dude benching with a belt on anyways??
One handed deadlift… lets just have a moment of silence for his spine
Bench pressing with a belt… what a tard
For some ppl gym be like : Million ways to die?
Love d circus
I don’t think that first girl was stupid. She was just trying, failed, and bailed. I don’t see that she did anything wrong. I’m a beginner though
2:00 I was already laughing and THEN I saw he had the exercise ball too ?
A that old man with the blue weights can scream all he wants, he was killing it!!!!
Yo I was the guy slapping , if you’re finna post my stuff at least @me , @DeBease_Fitness
What is name of song 7:20?
That red shirts dude really want to F the smith machine
2:31 did he just woof
6:17 it wasn't his fault.
Who the hell wears a belt when benching?
0.36 ist typisch für den Minderwertigkeitskomplex. Oh wie peinlich……………….
My neck, my back, my neck and my back
I can confirm all of these wacky hijinks and more at college gyms.
Stupidity runs deep in these people
Bro yr channel is super entertaining, keep it up!???
The guy doing one arm deadlift. I was just waiting to see the bicep pop Ouch!! ?
Checking temperature this clearly shows me the mark of the beast is soon …chip 666
Shit commentary crap computer generated voice with terrible English
06:45 one word – CROSSFIT
What kills me at @3:53 is he will go around and tell people that that is his PR on squat when that in no way resembles an actual squat. SMH.