Hello. In this video I talk about a growing issue on YouTube, first brought to light by fellow YouTuber Nick Crowley. There are a ton of channels that fake animal rescues for views, attention, and money. It’s disgusting to say the least.
Nick Crowley’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/NickCrowley/videos
If you want to help spread this message, tweet at YouTube on twitter and tell them about this problem. It will likely change nothing, but it’s worth a shot.
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These Channels Fake Animal Rescues For Views
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How stupid would you have to be to believe this horrible channels.
I keep trying to watch this video but I keep going off it because I HATE seeing animals being abused and it just breaks my fucking heart knowing there are pieces of shit who can do this kind of thing, and the fact that YouTube actually let's people profit off of it is so disgusting.
This might imply that YouTube supports animal cruelty.
Have his channels been taken down?
So YouTube is not doing nothing?
They have new channel: Animal TV PetsRescueVN
4:36 Minecraft Steve
People that fake animal rescue videos need an injured animal so they injure the animals themselves.
Is this like the animal equivalent of Florence nightingale syndrom?
Murder is not illegal if you get away with it right?
THANK YOU for bringing awareness to channels like this, it's disgusting how yt let's it happen
Humanity is fucked without lube
Exhibit A:Cuties
Exhibit B:Gender reveal parties
Exhibit C:Capitol Riot
Exhibit D:This
Exhibit F:Israel and Hamas
We’re Fucked
I lost hope for humanity.
Hey, heart warming story. My cousins found a kitten, a small Brown And black spotty tabby she-cat in their pickup truck's Engine, luckily the kitten was Alive and not Hurt, they have since adopted her and named her "Freedom" She is still their cat to this day. Hope youtube will stand up and right the wrongs they made and ban these accounts. ^_^
these people are normally from dirty dirty counties how surprising
These people are evil! There are many on youtube doing it. And people falling for it and ooing & aaaing and generally being gullible fools. I get that there are evil people in the world, I get it! But I don't get how so many people in western countries are so willing, so easily to be fooled – at an animal's expense.
this breaks my fucking heart. how could somebody do this to an innocent and helpless animal just for some fucking views on youtube. disgusting.
And killed kittens THATS IT
I dont like dogs 5hat much but he killed a dog FOR MONEY SUE HIM NOW!!!!!!
The cameraman never intervenes he never tries to help just watches the animals suffering
Come on YouTube, follow the money and tracks these clowns. Send law enforcement.
Make a video on PawMeow
It is totally disgusting. All for the views to get subscribers and Google adsense money. Google has really brought out the worst in humanity. Just how low are you willing to sacrifice your own soul for a few coins. Idk.. .Perhaps it is a good thing so we mature and grow as a species when we see our own do this appalling nonsense.
Youtubers like this guy and Nick Crowley are honestly making better videos than Pewdiepie and all of those people