10 astounding rescues to make your heart race.

10 astounding rescues to make your heart race.
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A desperate dog swimming in circles and near drowning with exhaustion; a dog stuck upside down in a narrow passageway; a young bull who would have been stuck until death after falling in a well, and other extreme disasters for street animals who could not survive without the help of human beings.

Again and again, it’s the neighbors who waste no time in calling our ambulance, helping lift animals to safety and lifting our hearts. Your heart will race just watching these astounding rescues.


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About the Author: Animal Aid Unlimited, India


  1. Meu senhor misericórdioso ,o que seria desses pobres animais se esses anjos protetores não existissem, só peço ao senhor Jesus misericórdioso proteja sempre todos eles abençoados

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