A sincere welcome to Handsome Nature. We release daily videos for pets and people to watch, listen and enjoy. If you feel compelled and like what we do, subscribe, click the bell and join us every morning at 0700 EST for a new episode. If you are new here, please check out our community page section and introduce yourself. Welcome!
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A link to a few of our playlists below
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Higher Quality – 50 FPS
– Relaxing Chipmunk Videos For Cats and Dogs
-Relaxing Squirrel Videos For Cats and Dogs
– Relaxing Bird Videos For Cats and Dogs
Our channel is monetized. Please keep that in mind if you are using our videos to sleep, as it may cause a disturbance. Our Videos for pets average 2-3 ad placements per hour. Every video maintains original video (usually 60 minute – 4 hours) looped several times to the desired length. This allows us to focus on putting a varied video out every day.
Our channel is designed to be appealing to pets. Please always keep safety in mind when it comes to your electronic devices. We are not responsible for damage your pet may cause.
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Audio credit: https://freesound.org/people/hargissssound/sounds/345851/
A thank you to the artist for the audio in our intro and trailer provided free. His name is Sergey Cheremisinov.
Amazing nature! Thank you for the opportunity to watch wild birds! I was wondering if you use a special camera for wildlife videography? I make videos with my pets simply with Samsung S9 which is handy, but the quality could have been better.
اعطيني رقمه المز ذا
GLORIOUS!!!!! I am crazy about the chipmunks!!!!!!!!!! OMG. It’s HEAVEN!!!!
List of animal species by order of occurrence
01. Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata)
02. Carolina Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
03. Human (Homo sapiens sapiens) appear in the upper right corner
04. Northern Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)
05. Canadian Woodpecker (Dryobates villosus)
06. White-breasted Black-capped Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis)
07. American Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)
08. Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus)
that must be the black one
My cat watches for maybe 2 mins then gets bored. These vids are too static…camera plopped in one spot and 10 mins of a squirrel munching. In same spot same position. There much more attention grabbing vids out there for cats.
2:26 ??
There is a squirrel waiting behind them 8:35:04
I like forest animals so much and i just cant resist from watching this, this is soo cute
Hey Handsome Nature. I wanted to say, thank you SSSSSOOOOO MMMMMUUUUUCCCCCHHHHH for making this video! And also, did you know you and me have two things in common? We are both boys, and we both absoulutley LOVE nature.
My friend:BIRD
God Bless the kitty in the comment below that’s sick with the hypoplasia. These videos are all that probably helps the ? Angel kitty
I let this play all day. Its peaceful and beautiful. Sorry have only 17 year old fish lol. They might enjoy it to. ? i think this would be awsome in seniors homes tv rooms and doc offices old and young kids love nature to. Thank you xxoo
I put this on for my kitty Puddin while I do homework so she would stop bugging me and she is totally digging it… she saw the chimpmunk and was all tripping out like "what is that" she was bobbing her head. Now she is trying to grab it through the TV lol. Thanks for helping Puddin and I. I never thought watching this together a little bit would be so wonderful.✝️?
Edit: its 3am and I let her outside now she is on the hunt… I leave my window open so she can just jump in and out.?
I have this playing on my 140" screen…my dog is going nuts lol.
Not sure if you read these but my cat has cerebellar hypoplasia. It’s the cat equivalent to cerebral palsy. He can’t climb up to the windows in my apartment and will get bored easily. I’ve started putting your stuff on my tv and he will sit there wobbling for hours watching these. Whenever I turn on the TV now he gets excited. I just wanted to say thank you. It makes his day and makes me happy that he can feel like a cat on the hunt.
10 hours of seeds and nuts
I left this video on for my husky as I’m typing this
Great video but has random weird laughter
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (II Peter 3:9 [KJV]) ;; And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Heb 9:27 KJV) ;; The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them. The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy. (Psalms 145:17-20 [KJV])
The upbeat fork surprisingly reach because exhaust accordantly sign near a physical asparagus. stale, uptight gong
So relaxing to watch with out my ? ??
This video is so relaxing, it like Zen meditation. Great way to start the day! Thank you for uploading!
My 2 cats love watching this.
Am I a pet? Because I love this!
Thanks for uploading and sharing beautiful wildlife and nature??
Absolutely the best video for my kitty and me. I love the hd and the birds songs . My cat intently watching it all the time.
This helps me because I miss walking in RBG and seeing all the chipmunks and birds
Whats the deal with the blue recycle ♻️bin someone explain I am confusion or cruising for a brusing I guess bench press till dress unless it's useless than you adress, whoffting farts at people even pets reduces stress by 80 percent
I have no pets and I'm watching this. lol
What a beautiful black squirrel!
so cute and relaxing 🙂
Alvin the Chipmunk meets soon to be a new character Jabbering Jay Blue Jay funny comedienne
Aloha,,,,, FROM Hawaii BE SAFE BE HAPPY ??
Aww how a adorable❤ a chipmunk & squirrel eating together they are so cute ?they both are such beautiful animals along with other rodents they are so precious ?
1:18:29 밥상 엎어버리기
1:27:58 what the fuck was that crying sound ?
Who dislikes these??? ?♀️ it’s beautiful nature!!!