Please donate $5 to help Hope For Paws save more lives.
If you didn’t get your dog a Lucky Leash yet, today is a great day to do that – orders will be mailed first thing Monday morning 😉
To adopt Zoe and Meadow, please contact our friends from Shelter Hope Pet Shop who are now fostering them:
Hope For Paws was contacted by Vanessa Rosales about a scared dog who kept running away every time anyone approached her. The dog would always run into an enclosed property, and I asked Vanessa not to trespass and let us handle it.
When Lisa Chiarelli and I arrived, construction workers allowed us onto the property, and I highly doubted I would find her there because they were working and it was quite noisy.
To my surprise I spotted the dog (Zoe) and to my surprise I also found a puppy (Vanessa said it’s possible she had puppies recently, but she couldn’t confirm that because she had never seen puppies).
Lisa and I approached slowly, and I just knew that Zoe wouldn’t leave her baby – Meadow.
We asked the construction workers where are the other puppies (it’s unusual for a dog to just have one puppy), and they told us that 4 days prior to our arrival, kids had stolen the other 5 puppies. We asked if they knew where we could find these kids, but they had no idea.
Lisa and I sat with Zoe and Meadow for 30 minutes, gained their trust, and together we continued to the hospital for medical treatment.
A couple of days later, Zoe and Meadow continued to their foster home with Shelter Hope Pet Shop and they are now ready to be adopted 🙂
Please share their rescue story on your favorite social media network so we can find them amazing homes.
Thanks 🙂
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos
Mama might be worried that her last puppy will be stolen, then she will be all alone and worried. If my child showed up with a puppy I would need a BIG explanation.
Dios los bendiga …..
Que lindos son ustedes
The puppy look they same puppy we have its a male..
So nice!
Poor mama. Her heart is broken ??
I Love you .
What going puppy when you going out dogs when you going when you going puppy when you going out this going dogs when you dogs when you going cuando dogs when you going out pizza ? you going when you going down when you going when you
Que want could you when you going out dog when you going when you going out dogs when you going when could you when you going out this going cuando when you going out dogs when you going when you going money ? when you going out this going dogs when down this morning dogs when you going when you dogs when puppy when you going when you going when you going when could you when you going cuando aqui dogs when you puppy when you going when you
"The homeowner had sold the property and left their dog behind"
"Construction workers say that local kids had stolen all but one of her puppies."
These are the things that make me want to beat people with a ball bat.
She still looks sad not having the other babies. ???
Viewers don't stress over the 'dislike' people – the number of people who dislike these videos does not change by much, irrespective of how many people have liked and/or viewed the videos – this would indicate that there is a hard core group who probably dislike all Hope for Paws videos (and possibly the videos from similar organisations) irrespective of the content. To put it in perspective – compared to the number of likes the dislikes represent 1.0 to 1.2% – compared to the number of people who have viewed – this number drops to 0.01 – 0.02% (which is infinitesimal).
I'm not a big fan of separating puppies, kittens or any animal's babies from it's parents, especially the mothers. However, I was a little disheartened by the way you referred to the people who gave the other puppies homes as thieves.
What makes you Lord over the animal kingdom?!?
While I appreciate overall the great work you do, the holier than thou attitude has got to go.
The spotless romanian medicinally protect because professor anteriorly excite mid a agreeable squash. weak, brown alto
She wanted to wanted to be loved. ❤
Did anyone track down the kids and made sure their faces ended up on the back of a milk carton?
Breaks my heart generation after generation self absorbed people Parents need t to the right thing return the babies
This seems setup
E minunat să i privești, să i iubești l
She wasn’t brought to a shelter and got pregnant on the streets then afterwards kids stole her pups .
God bless you !!Thanks for everything you did and save their lifes!!!????????
God bless you and your team! I really appreciate your help! God bless animals?????! I wish these little marvels to be happy and healthy!???
May the little punks who took her pups before she had pronounced them ready for the world suffer incredibly, both mentally and physically, every day of their worthless lives. Let them never find friendship, nor companionship, and let all they care about wither away before their eyes. It won't make up for the pain in that mother's eyes, but nothing ever will. The little bastards don't deserve to breathe the same air as that dog, so let them stop breathing sooner than later.
I'm sorry, but this world's evil have destroyed any modicum of mercy I may have once had. I have no tolerance for evil, and that's what those demonic kids did to her. They are evil, so let evil befall them.
So very sweet. Eldad you are an Angel of God.