The Big Bangs: History's Worst Industrial Disasters

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Chemistry can be complicated, but it can also be simple. A good rule of thumb is not to store your fire right next to your highly combustible materials.

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  1. Jeez it just hit me that I was alive when happened. I still remember waking up that morning and switching on my phone to see the headlines… 🙁

  2. terrible events, but the fact that the tank from the first story got up to 20times its intended prerssure before exploding is nontheless pretty impressive!

  3. “Amoco Cadiz contained 1,604,500 barrels (219,797 tons) of light crude oil from Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia and Kharg Island, Iran. Severe weather resulted in the complete breakup of the ship before any oil could be pumped out of the wreck, resulting in her entire cargo of crude oil (belonging to Shell) and 4,000 tons of fuel oil being spilled into the sea. The US NOAA estimates that the total oil spill amounted to 220,880 metric tonnes of oil.”

    LENGTH: 334.02 m (1,095.9 ft) BEAM: =WIDTH 51.06 m (167.5 ft) DRAUGHT= WIDTH 19.80 m (65.0 ft)


    “In 1988 a U.S. federal judge ordered Amoco Oil Corporation to pay $85.2 million in fines; $45 million for the costs of the spill and $39 million in interest. In 1992, Amoco agreed to pay $230 million.”

    The site is visited by leisure divers.”

  4. You missed the biggest one. The Wanggongchang gunpower factory in China exploded in 1626 and killed over 20,000 people.

  5. Some men was kept alive for days in pain and there skin coming of in big strips so they could see what will happen so they could study him till his end

  6. Ship like this should never be allowed to travel the seas again ever no chemicals ships should never be aloud on the sea ever it’s not worth it

  7. I’m a weird one then. Found this channel befor mega projects. Also love the videos will be checking your other channels out eventually. So much to watch

  8. so they killed thousands of people(directly or indirect doesnt matter) and were only getting 2 years with option to bail? must be great to be a ceo…

  9. Also, I think these days it’s debatable whether Chernobyl was the worst after the 2011 earthquake/tsunami in Japan that caused the nuclear reactor there to meltdown as well. Although a lot of the radiation leakage went into the sea, there was generally considered to be a lot more radioactive damage.

  10. Here is a disaster that was thankfully too small to make this list, but could have been so much worse: In 1927, a huge natural gas storage tank on Pittsburgh's North Side exploded. 28 people were killed, but the destruction was massive. The tank actually shot at least 100 feet into the air before exploding, and at the time, it was the world's largest.

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