? Miami Food Tour – Part 1: https://youtu.be/PUNk8VrtnLU
✔️ Check out David’s Been Here: https://www.youtube.com/user/Davidsbeenhere
? 100% Durian Chips – Order Here: http://pixelfy.me/uY4K5z
Hope you’re having an amazing day! During our quick trip to Miami (Jan 2020), we took a day trip to the Everglades, a huge wetlands area and one of the most amazing day trip destinations from Miami. Along with visiting the alligator farm, I enjoyed the variety of tropical fruit shakes, and especially eating alligator kebabs and frog legs! #Everglades #Florida #foodtour
Robert Is Here – Homestead, Florida – On our way to the Alligator farm, we stopped at Robert Is Here, known for their huge selection of tropical fruit – and it is amazing. We ordered smoothies of Black Sapote, Canistel – Egg fruit, and Passion, Orange, Mango. All were delicious and fantastic, no sugar or additives, just the pure fruit.
Everglades Alligator Farm – Homestead, Florida – Next, our destination was the Everglades Alligator Farm, a great place to get an introduction to the Everglades wetlands, and to see wildlife in the wild. It was awesome to ride airboat – and yes they are even more fun than in the movies.
Everglades Gator Grill – Homestead, Florida – Finally, we headed to Everglades Gator Grill to eat some alligator, including alligator kebabs and a gator basket. We also tried their massive frog legs, which were delicious.
Total price – $82.75
Thanks again to David Hoffman (https://www.youtube.com/user/Davidsbeenhere) for taking us around his hometown of Miami.
Joel’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrtRLTcGy-CPac-JwMuuHgQ
?100% Real Durian Chips – Order Here:
?Get t-shirts and caps:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/migrationology
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
Hope you are having a great day! This video was filmed back in January 2020, that's why we are not wearing face masks and sharing food. But now, please take safety measures by wearing a mask, social distancing, and washing your hands frequently. Be careful, and stay safe. Thoughts and prayers to everyone affected in Florida and around the world right now.
No battered deep-fried froglegs? {0.o}
Knock Knock
Who's There?
Ether Who?
Ether Bunny!!
Knock Knock
Who's There?
Mango Who?
Mango beep beep and run over Ether Bunny!! ???
Mark not going to lie y’all look like y’all was going faster then 30/35 looks around 45 to my eyes watching this video I really need to try it looking to fun
POG?passion orange mango lol it's passion orange guava aloha ?
8 dollars for a shake?? Are they served with Alcohol ?? Not gonna lie though it looks good as hell.
Joel gets left out glad he got his own channel
That kebab looks amazing. Messy, on a stick yum. Now that's a way to enjoy!
Oh wow that looks SO GOOD!!
Hey dont eat my beauties ??
I like how the other guy is rocking in Ghana National team Jersey ????????
We went to GatorWorld in Florida but we did not EAT any alligators — — Also went to Disney World and didn't EAT any cooked mice either ??
Frog legs yakkkkkkkkkkes
This ride should have seat belts it's very fast
Recently we visited Miami and our way to Key West, we stopped by at this fruit stand. I tried mango+ orange+ passion fruit smoothie combo and my husband took others, and it really tasted good. I told the owner that I was there watching your videos and they were really surprised and happy, they could recognize you. The lady presented me a sunflower. Thank you Mark. You're a great food reviewer.
Glad to see you David with Mark. ?
David wasn't ready to bite frog legs ?
Driver was cool as f???
He eats so much and say everything yummmmmm and looks skinny
My home town ☺
Love your videos! I just noticed you went to Florida. My daughter lives in Florida not far from where you were. She had watched some of your videos and traveled to Thailand. Love seeing Joel again in your videos. We are always watching for your wife, your son, and Joel in your videos. It really helps to complete the experience for us when we watch your videos. I am wanting to go to Florida now just to try some of the food.
Micah & Yin in a world of their own, they’re seldom apart of the show. You only know they’re there when you hear Micah-:))
Unable to eat frogs & gators if it’s the only thing there is to eat-:))
POG a passionfruit, orange, mango… lol i think the G is for guava
And Mark doesn't check on his wife and child during the boat ride. Disturbing.
Woooow amazing food florida ….mark wiens , joel burner ,david hoffman ..ada mom ying and micah …pantstic food
Alligator sound saying feed me. WOW.
Love the Florida keys videos only thing that was a little awkward was the guy in the red shirt with yall. He makes expressions and you think he is going to say something but its like he doesn't even know what to say. Or he laughs when Mark says something that wasn't even funny. Love both Mark and David.
Mark, who is your buddy in the red shirt? I’ve seen him in several of your videos.
Those are growl's there looking at you like a ??? steak bro ???? excellent video
my city was built on top of the everglades….
My Bday, July 22nd.. Nice day..
Love your videos!! IM A HUGE FAN. Been following you for sooo long. But I’m DISAPPOINTED ☹️ THAT YOU WENT TO THIS GATOR ? FARM AND SUPPORT THIS PLACE. ITS CRUEL. No need to eat or support this place.
… I believe the low growl is a mating call and that one big gator had his eye on Joel…
disgusting food ever eaten by marks
eww I am gonna vomit
Definitely one of my favorite tours youve done! Mmm looks tasty
Looks like a beatch on the bout
What's with all the these videos without a mask & no social distancing?
That farmers market was super expensive..
Cant found any corona jokes in the comment section …
*ohyaa they are white, thats why
$8 for a fruit shake, welcome to the USA, lol.
I so have to go to Florida! God Willing
The camera man had a Ghanaian ?? jersey on. nice one bro ? 4:00