Mega Disasters | Tornado | Disaster Documentary
Mega Disasters – Biggest Volcanic Eruptions: https://youtu.be/fZM5SXuMYR4
An investigation into the anatomy of a tornado: from the science behind recent events, ramping to a mega tornado that’s yet to happen – the Mega Disaster.
Using archive footage, computer animation, and expert interviews, we expose the killer characteristics of natural disasters, leading to an ultimate disaster – a hypothetical event of unparalleled force and impact.
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Mega Disasters Tornadoes
Remember Mega Disaster Volcanoes last week? https://youtu.be/fZM5SXuMYR4 you can check it out here just in case.
This is the continuation of the series of mega disasters ie ‘we can’t tame nature’ – maybe alleviate the effect with science, research, making preparations and prognosis more accurate thereby avoiding too many casualties and destruction.
Mega Disasters asks what, if anything, we humans can do to improve prognosis and predictions when what kind of natural disaster is coming our way and what scientists and science can do, how we can better survive natural disasters.
We’ve got:
The worst hit areas
The worst tornadoes ever
The how/why effect, timely predictions, being prepared, the aftereffects – is it even possible?
Tornadoes occur most frequently in North America (particularly in central and southeastern regions of the United States colloquially known as tornado alley. (And as we all learned from the Wizard of Oz, Kansas also includes Witches and flying monkeys in their tornadoes. I'm glad Toto was saved. )
The United States has the most tornadoes of any country, nearly four times more than estimated in all of Europe, excluding waterspouts. This is mostly due to the unique geography of the continent, averaging about 1200 per year.
Our documentary shows the investigation into the anatomy of a Tornado: from the science behind recent events, simulating a mega tornado. Using CGI paired with expert scientist interviews, we expose what makes a natural disaster eternal and dangerous.
Available USA, CAN, UK, AUS, NZ, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Malaysia, South Africa.
I just can't understand people who live in tornado alley and don't build an underground shelter. I see sooo many videos of people going into a house closet when they have no basement. Totally pointless. Build a shelter!!
15 commercials, wtf?
The way that house got picked up in Kansas, first thing I thought was the yellow Brick Road
Thats the hand of God letting man know who's the boss.
They need to do a docu-series on "Dixie Alley" since the last few years it has actually been a bigger hot spot for tornadoes than the actual "Tornado Alley." Also this must be old since they are still using the F-scale and not EF so I guess not surprising they are focusing on older data.
It's nice that new tech to protect people is developed. Problem is, it will cost people a fortune, despite these engineers saying otherwise. It's not really to protect people if there is profit to be made.
that will be a f5 tornado
The commercials every 60 seconds made this UNWATCHABLE!
Man watching stuff on Moore from the past before 2013 is especially heartbreaking (most recent f5 in the USA as of time of writing) there was another documentary on the 1999 tornado where someone was saying that if they didn’t learn from it then one day it will hit a school. He was right.
Errrr…. I'm no tornado-ologist BUT: Ever considered moving to somewhere slightly less tornado-ey?….
Are the residents of Attica Spartans?
This is amazing footage.
No holds barred destruction.
Great eye witness accounts.
Americans are tough people.
Post Tornado Syndrome.
Very common in Tornado Alley.
Talking about an American weather phenomenon, yet, talking silly talk like kilometers. WTF??
The Plainfield tornado, they ? think was close to F6 but still ranked a F5.
A man watches a roof come off a house.
My guy the wasn’t just the roof the was the whole house.
The tri-state tornado in 1925 was almost certainly NOT "a single tornado". It's much more likely that the storm spawned multiple funnels in rapid succession as it sped from west to east.
Ahh ive already been their and done that, been around numerous EF5’s around Oklahoma City since 1999 and got clipped by the 2.6 mile wide ElReno tornado in 2013
F5 tornado is the strongest Not a F4 like they said here!
some times i never see Dallas
Living out there with no underground storm cellar is insanity.
Jarrel, Texas. Home of Jamie Fox.
You should of put some documentary in between those adverts
And not a single mention of the largest tornado in human history happening only a few years ago.
Definitely build wooden houses somewhere colloquially named as Tornado Alley.
The only had waring's that were barley even that dangerous
Because we live in a trailer there's not much Tornado shelter space except closets and one hallway leading to my room and my brothers
Edit- we only see hurricanes because I'm in country areah I barley see tornados just hurricane winds
But I seen what they can do alout
Overall good video
this is the kind of stuff they should put on the tv for free but now to watch a good show you have to eaither have a good tv provider or pay a suscription to even see something like this.
Inb4 LA gets a tornado warning.
P.S. everyone should have a disaster bag for all occasions.
soooooop many ad reels didn't watch
Being a spotter is probably one of the most fun jobs I've had. Seeing these up close is breathtaking
Only seen one tornado in my life it didn't touch the ground and it was in a really bad story over 10 + years ago. I live in the UK so not a regular thing. It disappeared quick but it was crazy to see i can't imagine seeing these in real life thats crazy.
It is a myth that you shouldnt try to outrun Tornadoes….If you cam see it in the distance you absolutely should try to get in a vehicle and get out of the path