REAL GHOSTS Caught on Tape 2017 ? Top 15 Real Ghost Videos 2017 [HD]

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The existence of real ghost and the paranormal has been the subject of many debates. Some people think it’s all fabricated while others are firm believers in the ghost stories most of us have heard over the years. So, what’s the truth? In the spirit of Halloween, we’ve found 15 videos of real ghosts caught on tape to help you draw your own conclusions.
According to History, the first ever documented real ghost sighting occurred in the first century A.D., and was of an old man with a long beard, rattling chains. The great Roman author and statesman Pliny the Younger recorded this sighting in his letters, basically inventing the real ghost story and next time we have seen real ghost caught on tape.

The top 15 real ghosts caught on tape! In this chilling countdown of scary ghost sightings caught on camera , we look at disturbing videos of supposedly real (original) unexplained paranormal footage of the supernatural. Includes all NEW ghost sightings from 2017!

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