Airline Disaster – Crash Landing: Pilot Joseph Franklin (Scott Franklin) attempts to land the hijacked and severely damaged plane while avoiding all of the landmarks of Washington, D.C.
BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/airline-disaster-2010/1MV9e34d82425da145ca828ac1609e31f30?cmp=Movieclips_YT_Description
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The U.S. president (Meredith Baxter) must choose between family and country when domestic terrorists hijack her brother’s plane.
TM & © The Asylum (2010)
Cast: Lindsey McKeon, Meredith Baxter, Scott Valentine
Director: John Willis III
Screenwriter: Paul Sinor, Victoria Dadi
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when they cut to the outside of the plane it's the same clip
This has to be a lifetime movie.
In the movie they totally forgot the word BRACE
3:26 why does she look Unphased? ?
Someone bought sully from WISH.
I haven't seen worse CGI in my life…. wow.
What a crappy movie.
…..in the Hudson, outside the Lincoln memorial; ok ?
That had to be the most unrealistic overdramatized thing I've ever seen.
What’s with everyone’s screams
This is god awful
As u can see on the left side of the passenger seat you can see the father screaming while holding the child
omg they just destroyed the big stick thing
This is so shocking
Oh no not the 747!
Nope. Don't know what that was , but 1 minute in was all I needed. Dud.
I can’t believe they crash the monument here in DC The (DMV) ?
Most realistic plane crash ever
2:04 that sounded like a pokemon using it’s move lol
100 IQ move at the end right there
4:23 Microsoft Simulator on low graphics mode
That movie was so horribly made the CGI makes me wanna barf.
I love how the planes wing crashed through Washington monument and it’s wing was fine but the monument was not, Lol
This looked more like it was part of a TV show than a movie.
this movie has horrible reviews lol
Pilots: Finally-
whole Washington Monument collapses
Police: Nope.
Did they land in the Potomac River? I herd of someone landing in the Hudson River!
The pilot clearly ate the fish. ….and don’t call me Shirley!
It is just like 11th of September in 2001 but nobody died in the clip the rest of the movie, maybe but t
Not that clip
The cgi when they hit the Washington Monument was just awful honestly. And not even a dent on the plane? Come on
Yeah why not
Does anyone realize this is in 2010
When it hit the Washington Monument all I can think of was Airplane! "Where disco lives forever!"
sweet home alabama
Easily one of the worst movieclips i’ve ever seen. Same sfx and screaming scene reused about 10 times. Same flyby shot reused 3 times. The cgi on the plane in the water was terrible. When it hit the washington monument, the wing didn’t break, get dented even, it didn’t get shot down, nor did it break in the reflection. Not to mention they said hudson instead of potomac. Absolutely every bit of luck was used to not hit the ground, capitol, or bridge. And lastly, they were unlucky enough to not have their wheels go down which prevented them from going to reagan national airport. And to add to all this, this was made in 2010
Them effects suck so bad the whole thing looks like it was made on an iPhone.