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Four old bears are finally happy after decades of privation. The bears were each living alone in small, filthy, barren cages at a defunct Pennsylvania roadside zoo named Big Bear Farm Zoo. They hadn’t set foot out of these cages in at least 20 years.
But now, Bruno, Fifi, Pocahontas, and Marsha will have 15 acres of prairie grasses to roam, a swimming hole, hills to climb, and the veterinary care they need. Rather than being confined individually to tiny cages in which they were going mad—swaying and turning in circles in the small space—the bears will live in social groups and be allowed to choose how they spend their time. Instead of small, dilapidated, wooden doghouses, they will each have their own underground den!
Read more and take action: http://www.peta.org/features/pure-joy-elderly-bears-take-first-steps-after-decades-in-tiny-pens/
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God bless you all guys for saving these poor animals so tortured!
God save all the animals ??
This is disgusting. Thank God for PETA!
Happy Bears and Bravo PETA!!! ????
So sad to watch those majestic animals being treated like this… thank you so much for rescuing these beautiful ? bears and letting them live their twilight years out in peace and freedom. Thanks again and GOD BLESS YOU ✝️ ??
This kind of abuse is almost expected in some county's BUT IN THE USA?? There's no excuse for it. Thank goodness they are being given a second chance. Thank you.
Thx pita God Bless you all
Aw that’s amazing that peta is such a good thing
WTH in Pennsylvania?
Thank you
They couldn't bear it anymore
The people behind this cruelty must be in jail
These awful roadside zoos need to be shut down! So glad the bears were rescued
i ate honey
Zoo's…..hell on earth for animals.
that white bear is ancient!
Thank you so much PETA.. God bless you all ❤?
please show us more of their freedom. the uplifting part
Ihr seid toll!! Weiter so!! Dankee an euch, ihr habt grossen Respekt verdient!!
A great thank you for the rescues?
Long overdue but it does my heart good to see that finally they are on the receiving end of human compassion instead of human cruelty.
Well done PETA, this is wonderful work.
My God , i guess there will be no more bears in cages and unhappy
Sorry this didn't happen sooner! How wonderful that they will now live out the rest of their day's in a lovely sanctuary. Thank you Peta.
I love ❤️ PETA❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️?????
I'm so glad these bears are living a better more natural life. I hope they don't remember the cruelty.
Такое происходит когда люди занимаются не своим делом.
thank you I hope they can close all these things
It's too sad that good people have to clean up what bad people did to living beings ?
I will never understand how people can do this to animals and still go on normally with their lives… Have a good night sleep…
While these innocent souls are rotting in a cage ?
Thank you for getting them out of there. ?
God bless PETA and all Animals and Rescuers in accordance to Proverbs 12:10… +*