Watch Viktor Larkhill rescue this pathetic looking loving dog with twisted front legs. Watch till the end to see how far Richard his come, you won’t believe the before and after rescue images.
This is a #HopeForPaws #StrayPaws #DogRescue Marathon featuring Viktor Larkhill Extreme Rescue – its a fund raiser supporting Let’s Adopt International. This fund raiser is made possible by the volunteers of the World Animal Rescue Network and WA2S Films and is a cooperative partnership between Let’s Adopt International and the World Animal Awareness Society.
The images were heartbreaking…. the dog dragged himself over the stones. His legs were completely twisted. He tried to stand but he couldn’t… the most he could do was to support himself on his wrists while he looked us into the eye, imploring help.
The girls who rescued him called him Richard and they begged us to save him. Richard was in a shelter in the center of Greece. None of the local organisations or veterinarians were able to help him.
Thanks to Valia of the Orphaned Pet in Greece – you can find Valia here:
This is a fund raiser for animal rescues currently needing the most help doing the hardest work. Please use the donate button to the right – underneath the video.
To learn more about Viktor Larkhill Extreme Rescue & Let’s Adopt International:
Subscribe and stay tuned for more videos from the WA2S Films official YouTube Channel:
WA2S Films is: Deanna Vollano & Tom McPhee
WA2S Films productions are filmed on Sony, Panasonic, and DJI camera systems
c. 2020 All Rights Reserved
Hire WA2S Films & Support Animal Rescue Around The World 818.561.5109 Studio
Narration courtesy of Vocal artist Mark Rider:
From: Viktor Larkhill
Thank you for helping us bring our mission to the world.. it’s an honor working with you!
Reply From: World Animal Awareness Society
We have to say the same. We are so glad to have Viktor Larkhill and Let's Adopt International as a World Animal Rescue Network Partner. We have admired your work for a long time and we are proud of this new animal rescue partnership. 3 Cheers!
Now, let's do some more good!
This video made me cry thank you over and over thank you for helping these babys I love animals so much, you guys are wonderful God bless ❤ ♥
Los animales son como los niños que maltrata o abandonan . Es triste peto la realidad.
Es que si existen niños maltratados y abandonados , por seres monstruosos
Y estoy segura que le faltarían letras al abecedario para poder encintar el nombre aproximadamente para esos malditos seres .
Bueno el punto es que tanto los animales como algunos niños sin maltratados y abusados ,
Pero obvio al Niño se le pone en un lugar temporal , lo curan lo cuidan y le buscan una buena familia ,
Por qué no se hace lo mismo con todos los animales ?
Todo tipo de vida necesita ser protegida y respetada , cuidada y amada .
Y a los desgraciados maltratadores de niños , de mujeres , y de animales ,
Háganlos pagar
Pero pagar en serio
Que se mueran el resto de su vida .
Yo fui golpeada , maltratada
Y eso nunca se olvida .
Todos merecemos el
Mismo respeto .
Basta ya al maltrato .
Que se haga justicia
Yo ya perdí la fe
La fe en Dios
La fe en los humanos
Pero estoy segura
Que los animales son puro amor .
Ellos cuentan , su vida cuenta .
Necesitan protección.
Yo tengo 4 rescatados
Y son mi adoración
Sin mi vida . Y son mi terapia a tanto maltrato .
Los miro y me pregunto
Quien demonios puede tener las bolas de maltratar a tan lo did seres ,
Y sola me contesto muchos y mucho ,
Pero también existen rescatistas
Que can en busca de animales para poder darles otra oportunidad.
Yo los amo .
Larga vida a los rescatistas y a los animales
Cuanta maldad existe en el mundo
Pero también existe bondad
No mucho , pero unidos unos cuantos
Podemos desaparcare de esa maldad .
Ya basta del maltrato animal
Todos los que maltratan animales
Deberían de estar metros y metros abajo de la tierra ,
Richard become a normal thanks to all of you in Vet.especialy to you Victor God bless you all
Triste muito triste,o que acontece aos animais,mas os bons.silbana.
Richard me emocionou muito recuperou a perninhas ficou lindo fiquei com dó daqueles anjinhos que ficaram no abrigo esperando para serem adotados foi de cortar o coração parabéns pelo resgate?
Que maravilha ele agora caminha normal consertaram as patinhas dele???
God Bless you all. Thank you
How much does the animals cost to adopt.
Thank you for the love and affection and helping him God Bless you all.
????your are all people very good hearted . Heartly Thank you so much. ?? ??????????????????
God bless you all, you guys are wonderful people. You are regular people but you all have big and sweethearts. Thanks all of the things you do for the dogs. Because I love dogs just like you.
Thank you
Thank you
God bless you and I love you.
God bless you and the dogs and all
God bless Richard , his rescuers, and the medical staff who treated his serious medical condition.