![HUMANS ARE AWESOME [ULTIMATE VERSION]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/HUMANS-ARE-AWESOME-ULTIMATE-VERSION.jpg)
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Glad you included one non-white and one female athlete (rock climber) to ensure the title of this video was accurate. Otherwise, "White Males are Awesome" would have been a more fitting title ;0
all land is a amasking
Did anyone see the guy in the bear costume?
I'm 10 years old and I wish I had a talent and a skill for once in my life
Where did you download this first song from?
what is the song
Humans are obviously awsome and along with dogs
I was speechless when I saw this
Soooooooo cooooool
song name please? ty
Whats with the gay dubstep?
Step one: pause video
Step two: open another tab and go on youtube
Step three: Turn on some Pantera
Step four: Go back to this video,play it and enjoy
It's ok if it wasn't
Photo shop
This is awesome but is it even possible to be that good at it
This is AMAZING! is this even possible?! :O
Great the best kite boarder is black, lost another sport haha.
what this song?
Video-> great
Music-> shit
You know whats really awesome? People producing something. Which does not happen at all in this video. lol Those of you feeling good watching this video….. lulz Ask yourself why? Then the answer will likely be that you actually dont feel anything. Because this shit is not "meaningful." Show me someone going to a new planet or something. Sorry running, jumping, climbing…. this is shit humans have been doing for years. Lets do something new and actually awesome. Cause lets be honest every single one of these videos is a repeat of the last, even if its new footage.
the song is Spektrem – Shine
Increible video people are awesome 🙂