Today I look at some apparently real footage of ghosts being caught on camera, I genuinely got spooked recording this video…
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Clear glasses or nah ???
I Believe in ghosts because my grandma told me that her mom or my great grandma used to here footsteps in there house and the house is near a graveyard and the house just looks like it would be in a horror movie
Edit: also her house is really old
I am extremely uncomfortable because I am seeing George’s eyes
'I'm quoting fake'
'Fake' -George Memeulous
This is my reaction when I see something paranormal 1:31
This 0w0 kid Is everywhere
the green screen changing kept scaring me more than the videos
ok here's a better title: REAL GHOSTS CAUGHT ON REAL CAMMERA
War doll was on judge rinder TV
8:25 look closely at the eyes
It must be kinda fun haunting a house- just messing with the house owner
WHY THE HELL WOULD SOMEONE VISIT THE FREaKING STANLEY HOTEL. Ok little story I have of that hotel so one night I was with my wife and we had heard about the ghost story’s and one was named Lucy she was living in the concert hall and when the staff found her they kicked her out and she froze to death outside and I said “I wonder if Lucy was cold” and then immediately a door slammed shut in our hotel god damn I so scared of freaking ghosts. Plus that hotel is based off of the movie and book called The Shining rumor has it that Steven king stayed in a room and had this horrible nightmare of his kid riding his tricycle down the hall and was being chased by a snake and when the snake caught up the snake strangled his kid. Then Steven woke up and went outside to smoke a joint and he had already thought up all of the major plot points for the shining right then and there
seeing george freak out over ghost stuff i watch all the time and am not phased by makes me feel brave lmao
Well he’s now a reacts channel
Clear glasses
Can someone help in the first video I still dont know what I'm looking at ??
7:23 looks like mothman
ngl the clear glasses scared me 😐
fucking died of heart attack at 8:39 jesus
I never got an ad during this whole thing. I find that a bit odd
watch life of luxury
George, your eyes are so handsome, that I literally started to tear up from looking at them.?
Would you kill a slender fo-
Me: I’d do it for free!
that greenscreen editing is elite tbf
His eyes. ❤
8:38 scared the shit out of me lmao
What subreddit was this again?
nien, nien, no matter how much you need it then use lenses plz
me: plays Minecraft but gets bored
starts looking at scary videos
scary Minecraft sound plays
The door ghost is just where the wind pushes the door but the more it closes the less wind gets in so it stopped closing and then the wind closes the door I think
Who was behind the green screen?
Love your eyes.?
Most of the videos and just random photos I always think are fake because like why are you recording or why are you just taking a picture of your empty hall way or something
I lived in a haunted pub when I was a baby
cant wait to be a ghost and just open and close doors n shit for no reason. dunno seems like fun i guess
Can now confirm that george dpes infact have eyes
you know it's real when george grabs his clear glasses
I hate it too George I don't even know why I'm watching this
The one about the tattoo place was actually on a show on Netflix I forgot the name but I clearly remember the episode
Is it bad my brother used to make me watch shit like this with him all the time when I was 6 and now I’m not fazed as I have the constant thought in my head of my brother saying shit like this is so funny on how fake it is
Btw he said if ghosts where real why the fuck would they go to the worst species and if they where real he would buy a gun and shoot every painting in the house
The bit where george stepped out the way and alex was their acctualy terrified me
3:34 the way i just saw the dog made me almost drop a wicked deuce in my pants
Subscribe to memeulous because he is one of the greatest UK youtubers in the UK
Pure anger
who is in the mirror, reply: me withought make up