Today I look at some (even more) apparently real footage and pictures of ghosts being caught on camera. This time at night so its even more spooky…
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why is he kinda attractive…
The dancing child was hands down the creepiest of any of these 3 videos
I want to see Alex reaction on the next one. George Stone faced while Alex is very scared
Sly editing, George memeulous.
(Look at the left wall)
At 7:55 look above his skateboard , there's a ghost looking thing above his skateboard. Probs fake but just wanted to clear that out
goerge every five seconds.
goerge: ugh i hate that i hate that.
7:54 why do you do this
6:25 it’s just the wind.
Opinion on the bee movie ?
ur eyes are beautiful
I have the same glasses ?
Do the 3am one but bring Alex in so it's less scary
i fkn love the ghosts caught on camera series lol for some reason i find it cool but scary
Does anyone else see the creepy clown face in the top corner of the mini fridge at 5:19? Right after he says he feels like he’s summoning spirits… I’m sure it’s just a reflection or something, it’s the only time it’s there but the timing is just funny cause he’s so worried and freaked out in that moment
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Memelous gost adventures 4
LoL i like how George did that, look on top of the eboys board 7:54
the ghost up hunting thing would be awesome
Hey Geoge u know what? When i was little i saw my Grand dads Soul in my room say good night the day before he died.
i feel like nobody notice maroline monroe after he watche the video at 7:53
i fucking love these videos. mostly because your putting yourself through pain to make them
The Eboys should be a whenever thing now tbh.
Most of these are clearly edited, seriously?
I have a dog with some plushy toy and when I come downstairs they are always standing up right. I just kick them away
Please please do a ghost/haunting video ??
not even thirty seconds in and I’ve already seen your feet
pls do ghost hunting with Alex!
pico was in the video.
Im a bit late, but I have two weird stories that freak me out
1st off, my nans house is in a very dark area, and in the room you stay in has a picture of a girl with a cat and dog with a blue tint. Nothing inherently bad but it was always very unsettling. I've never had a proper good night's sleep there.
2nd, my great grandmother's house has multiple, but I'll barely skim over. There are two dog statues on the porch, one white one black, that some ppl swear switch places. I always see figures and shapes standing/floating around at night when I'm trying to sleep, and what I personally found creepiest, I saw a figure standing outside the window, but vanished when I looked back. I was on the second floor.
those eyes g