The scariest paranormal encounters we’ve captured on camera 2021
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Links to the full investigations mentioned in this top 10 video:
#10 The Biltmore Hotel
#9 Knock Knock
#8 Interrupted Transmission
#7 The Ungodly
#6 Night Terrors
#5 Lost Little Girl
#4 Cold Foot Prints
#3 Flashing Lights
#2 It came through the Window
#1 It’s Got me
Whether or not you believe in ghosts, paranormal activity or demons the things we caught on camera during this ghost hunt are completely unexplainable and creepy. Unexplained terrifying paranormal activity goes wrong. This investigation challenge felt like living through a horror movie but we captured it all on tape. It was very scary! Some our findings are the scariest videos ever on youtube! Do not try to talk to the dead at 3AM
Join us as we stake out and try to communicate with the afterlife.
If you are thinking of making youtube videos or just recording videos similar to the ones that I am making you will find a list of all the equipment I am using down below:
Main Camera Body: https://amzn.to/3faCDPW
Main Lens: https://amzn.to/3cZpVBG
Camera 2: https://amzn.to/39S05OB
Go Pro: https://amzn.to/2SLLZIS
Lens 2: https://amzn.to/2T6usKi
Lens 3: https://amzn.to/2SWVcgo
Studio Light: https://amzn.to/37LBjhI
Dome Light: https://amzn.to/2VfWLbQ
UV Lights: https://amzn.to/2SK7FoB
iRig Mic to DSLR adapter: http://geni.us/BqxL (amazon)
Microphone : https://amzn.to/38LhVTt
All background music was used from the youtube’s audio library, epidemic sounds, artlist and is royalty free and free to use.
Also I am a participant in the Amazon Associates Programs, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking directly to amazon.com in order to help the channel Grow! Let’s make 2021 kick @ss!
Email us: Mindseedtv@gmail.com
#paranormal #scary #haunted #shocking
Number could have been a cougar, the leg being lifted up looked like the silhouette of a paw. Otherwise, all of these look paranormal, awesome content
The last one was narley also the one with the foot prints loll
Bullshit!!! Haha shit so fumny!! Haha worst movie ever
boi get yo ahh on somewhere fake af
And every single one of these so called "real paranormal event" videos could be faked very simply and without that much expense.
I read the funny comments while watching the video so I don’t feel as afraid
there is no 13th floor on any building
When you think logically you see it’s fake.
Don’t forget your ouija board o brilliant ones! She was humming by piano not laughing or growling. Lol demons are very very rare
I would laugh and slam the door ghosts aren’t real lol this is hilarious
22:10 seeing it makes me remember evil dead game ??
Where r u guys from? I would like to ask u a few questions my sister is having problems at her house & they r getting worse.
Complete and total Bullshit…..
Potty mouths!
The place the had the bear and door was opening where they did blind sperit box the bear makes the door seem so freaky ive seen atot of doors open close on paranormal investigations but the bear gave me creeps
Thease guys capture lot of supernatural and alien and cryptids their are crypids in that cave at area 51 dogmen a sasquatch live their using weegeeboard on the alter is crazzy im not religious but i know God and Jesus and have holey spirit any way not only would God get upset but lot of ben who lived and died in the place got threw daily life with the love of Jesus christ those sperits realy might not be happy of corse the criminals who found Jesus arent lost soles hear .and i feel God actully just thinks the alter is a ideal hes living God not a idealised things such as statues and alters crosses and so on .you can pray to God any where you dont only pray in church churc is just onther place to get together and worship like hear once the people are gone the demons moved in .
There’s no way I would go into a cave there creepy . I got to give it to these guys going into a cave. . I’m freaking out just watching them in that cave .
Ooo yeah
Guys maybe loose the horror music it's to over dramatic and I can't hear what I'm supposed to be listening for.
Sounded like a donkey instead of a laugh during the board session.
Wtf The amount of Dislikes is 666.
I'll make it 667
Why did he not show the phone when it was ringing that the cable is unplugged the made it for entertainment purposes
Fuq! If people always looking for ghost go and prepare to c them if u want contact they can talk to u if they want it to
Djinn!! Belive in it
I don't think people will c this comment but if! Be prepared of the devil with the words of God trust me. ALLAH bismillah will help belive.. Try it, the biggest plan of devil is to let us think he doesn't exist but we can't change the reality so belive
I heard like a big russle brand
I'm Literally gawns call the COKS
I Literally Digitize My Digimon with my Digidex ya dig
Yeah that last clip wasn’t fake at all
good paranormal video