extraktLAB Incident Report: 10/23/2020
On Friday, October 23 at roughly 4:20 p.m., An unexplained occurrence was caught on tape inside the extraktLAB distillation room. It is still uncertain exactly what happened. Some of the employees claim that the incident was paranormal in nature. Others blame the occurrence simply on human error.
An extraktLAB employee was tending to one of the rotary evaporators when a jar of full-spectrum distillate appeared to have fallen off a table in the center of the room. Upon noticing that the jar of distillate had fallen and broken, the employee left the distillation room to tell extraktLAB CEO, Dr. Jon Thompson, to explain what he claimed had to be, “a ghost.” Dr. Jon was not amused and dismissed the employee.
After said employee was dismissed, another employee arrives on video to clean the spilled distillate. As seen on video, another jar of distillate appears to move on its own towards the end of the table much like the first. The employee seems to notice the jar has moved and carefully places it back with the other jars. Fortunately, no other product was lost during this event.
Once a formal investigation was opened, the employee involved claimed he was nowhere near the jar when it fell and that it was humanly impossible for him to knock the jar of distillate off the table. Dr. Jon believes otherwise. The incident is still under investigation.
Lol. Good job guys! Very Charlie Chaplin. You should have had the ghost throw something at the supervisor with the worker in the room, so he would have thought the guy hit him with something.
click bait
All an act it is fake
100% FAKE Complete Over-Acting. Plus, I don't think mopping it up that way would be proper protocol for a lab where they have to wear all that protective gear.
nice acting
imagine actually trying to use a mop to clean up a jar of distillate ?
So time on camera says this happened at 4:20 at that pot lab huh?
Fake. Deslike.
Scripted,look the guy is looking first at the Camera, before pouring ,then the botle fell down.
Invisible wire is stage .mmm?
why u gotta drop that spaghetti sauce
Looks fake to me ??♀️
The boss realizes that who he fired didn’t do it
I love the girl at the end like "I still gotta mop this floor bro chill"
Just like the old silent movies
Do they even make black and white security cameras anymore? dubious at best. But if it is real, the way the cup slid ghost would have had to push it from dudes side; meaning.. it.. was… right… on you!
FAKE!!!!! Just getting clicks to advertise your brand. Smart But VERY FAKE!
string of naylon..its visible, then pull it…LOL
Maybe ? they hire this guys to fix the DC movies ? the
0:05 amazing
0:59 imagine the bottle fall again that guy would be pissed
Overreacting, badacting
Slapstick ghosts ?
Cannabis extraction lab incident at 4:20. Lol!
ghosts are cowardly. acted but didn't dare to show up. ghosts have no brains. can only affect the heart but not the mind. ?
I dont know…look at the jars on the shelves to the right of the video….just look and watch the reflections..also there seems to be a human like shadow on the last jar, or something made to look like it. Check it out..
1:01 nooooooo stop…….. bad ghost!
FAKE! Not even remotely genuine. You can tell by the ridiculous amount of hand and arm gestures. No-one remonstrates like that! It's comical at best, but probably more accurate to say it's a childish attempt at acting. This is like a scene out of a slap stick movie from the 1920's before the invention of sound, when exaggerated gestures were required to help sell a scene. Pathetic!
Hmm a little ott.
Lol….so fake. They would be great actors in the the Silent Film era.
That was fake ..they were both to animated like and old silent movie
the most disrespectful " ghost" of all time!
Poor acting
He explains what happened and the guy didn't believe him.
rofl at the bad acting