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About the Author: NBC 26


  1. But there is nothing to be surprised about, the etheric world is one degree immediately behind the physical world, therefore it is a world that interpenetrates the other. Every place every house is constantly crossed by disembodied entities. On the other hand, nothing would exist of physical if there were not the etheric energetic counterpart behind everything.??

  2. My parents moved us right next to an old colonial are cemetery out in the country in Vermont in summer of 1966 a couple years later my Mom and I were watching TV about 9:30 pm there was a knock at door. I was always spooked there and followed my Mom when she went to answer door. She screamed, slammed the door and nearly trampled me over as she turned to run. She saw a white mist like floating across the lawn back too cemetery. I don't believe in ghosts, I know 100% they exist.

  3. Shes definitely choking another ghost or trying to pull it in.look very ,very,closey were her hand is and were it is wrapped around. There's another very faint ghost with her hands around his neck.

  4. Looks like she is reaching out but trying to grab another ghost that is also there were her hands are starting to wrap around.that is why it looks like she swipe left out the window.

  5. Jesus Saves!!! Romans 10:9-11! Ephesians 2:8-9! Romans 10:9-11! Romans 6:23! John 3:16! Romans 3:10! Mathew 4:7! Mathew 5:14! Psalms 147:3! Psalms 147:5! Mathew 1:21! Psalms 80:19! Psalms 48:3! John 3:16! – KJV Repent before it’s to late!!!!!!!

  6. Could just be light. But it does look like a person waving. It also could be pareidolia. Or maybe, it is a ghost. Anything is possible.

  7. Rate for seeing Ghosts in America – 100%

    Anywhere else in the world: non existent.

    Also no where in the world: haven't seen aliens anywhere

    Americans: seen UFOs… Got abducted… Got aliens in the labs… Have footage of aliens but the quality is 144p sorry…

  8. Yeah well there isn't a place on this earth that isn't 'haunted'. It's much easier to hear them than to see them. And that means there's ghosts which are just spirits which are just entities which are just demons where you live. It doesn't matter where you live either. And there's LOTS of them. No lie. You can live in a brand spanking new house on land that never saw tragedy in the past. It doesn't matter. "They" are still there. Don't believe me? At home, make sure it's really quiet -no noise at all and don't talk. Record from your smart phone with audio. A half minute to minute is all that's needed. Play it back later with zero noise distraction in the background. Turn the sound all the way up on your headphones. If you have better than average hearing, you will hear 'them'. Then you will have wished …you hadn't. They're stuck with us and we are stuck with them. But just for now Thank God. Oh and don't try to conjure them up with Ouija boards and the like. That only intensifies their ability to well, try and scare the living fuck out of you. They actually want to destroy your very soul. If they do scare you, after you tell them they're going to hell and lost their little war over goodness already, simply ignore them. It makes their antics lessen for at least a while. Like I said, we're stuck with each other for now.

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