This is the first actual footage of a ghost caught on camera. Do not watch with children. This video is extremely scary. If you liked the video, please consider joining the Patreon!
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Why did this actually give me the heeby jeebies
This is stupid just like you zuquap
Get lost its just a blackit
THAtS SO FAKE Dude they dont were white blankets the ghost in the shed also had shoes on soo bruh whoever caught this is STUPID
Well, this was hilarious because its so stupid…
This is edited
swamp gas
i was not expecting this but it was funny
Omg, the ghost got caught by the pigs gaddamn
Love it, my dad one time put sheet over himself and snuck over to the neighbors back yard, the neighbor boy was having a sleepover in the tent, my dad with the sheet and flashlight scared the crap out of the neighbor boy they sprinted into the house ! Their dad came out and my dad and him had a good laugh, oh I wish this world could go back to simpler times, I have good memories from them
woah this spooky i shat myself watching this ?
The power of Christ compels you
They r not ghosts
They r humans only
Dont fool people
That is very fun show oooo man………?????????????????????????
Lol, I love this video.
i see legs or Shose on the bottom I’m not sure
Can I say something? Ok thank you
Ghosts don't go in blankets and I see there shoes I ain't dumb or blind -_-
Ghost have legs ,the ghost wear shoes ?????
Get done- sniper
???? lol ???
One of the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life