Ever wonder what the alphabet would look like if it consisted of your favourite destructive disaster movies? Well we’ve got some brand new ABCs for you… or Armageddon, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Contagion! We’ve scoured some of the best disaster movies of all time to determine every letter’s best explosive flick and edit them into an alphabetical order that you won’t believe! What are some of your favourite disaster movies?
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Top 10 Scariest Disaster Movies – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuxvyOD4qTc
Top 10 Disaster Film Cliches – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytolmNSnFzI
Top 10 Extreme Weather and Natural Disaster Scenes in Movies – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSOuqMeB9Ng
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#Contagion #Movies #Titanic
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Melancholia, definitely.
Im the letter I
2:56 bruh u should have put geostrom
the impossible movie is just so fucking good and the fact that its base on a true story is just gaving me chills
That T vs T part should have been a T vs T vs T and the third T being twister. Also for X I don’t recall any disaster movies so Watch Mojo that was a funny but good call. Also would Everest count?
I’m sad Twister was not in this
San Andreas is the best movie in the world (my opinion)
I watched outbreak with my family when Corona first put us all in lockdown, great movie but scared the fuck out of my mom lol
I was about to fight for letter X if you guys did not clear it out to us.
I got A, D, E, N, P, S, T (T was so easy I got it even before the list began), and V.
and some of these titles made it to your "worst" disaster movies. at least be consistent…..
Two movies about the Titanic on the same list.
MOJO. Not. Realisng they put the movie name in the left bottom corne
The Letter T should have been the easiest choice.
The Tower – 2012
The movie is really called Ground Control, not Jet
How you not gonna have Dante’s Peak for D?
Really enjoyed this format. Fun! Loved the stats and takeaways at the end.
Where’s Greenland
survinving snow impact in geostorm
C… CoVid eeee I mean Contagion
Armageddon over any of the Airport movies? Really?
Good one on the X-Men bit…
This list isnt true
The worst crime movies of all time (A-Z):
A: "Analyze That" (2002)
B: "Black Water" (2018)
C: "Corky Romano" (2001)
D: "Dangerous Ground" (1997)
E: "Edison" (2005)
F: "Firewall" (2006)
G: "Gotti" (2018)
H: "High School Big Shot" (1959)
I: "In The Mix" (2005)
J: "Jail Bait" (1954)
K: "The keeper" (2004)
L: "The Last Thing He Wanted" (2020)
M: "Max Payne" (2008)
N: "Naked Massacre" (1976)
O: "Officer Down" (2013)
P: "Perfect Stranger" (2007)
Q: "Quicksand" (2003)
R: "Revolver" (2005)
S: "The Specialist" (1994)
T: "Trial By Jury" (1994)
U: "Underclassman" (2005)
V: "The Violent Years" (1956)
W: "The Watcher" (2000)
X: "XIII: The Conspiracy" (2008)
Y: "Yaman" (2017)
Z: "Zulu" (2013), i'm sorry about that…
Im looking for the towering inferno i better find it! ?
E should've been End of the World – 2018
There were more natural disasters in that movie then there are in this list combined
I really liked 2012