10 Most Aggressive Animals in the World
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So You Think Animals Are Afraid Of People? Well, It Often Goes Both Ways. Cute And Fluffy As Some Of Them May Be, Some Fearless Animals Can Become Extremely Vicious If You Get On Their Bad Side. This Doesn’t Mean They’re Completely Unapproachable, But In Some Cases You’ll Want To Admire These Strong Animals From A Safe Distance. So Tread Carefully, Because Today We’re Counting Down Our Top Picks For The 10 Most Aggressive Animals In The World!
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I kinda expected #1 to be killer bees.
Imagine being beaten by a bird
What about Crocodiles?!?
hey the buffalo is so powerful that it flipped a lion
Says cute and cuddly
Shows a video with a polar bear
Tasmanian devils are actually very placid and seldom seen animals and sites like this labelling them as 'most aggressive' has just perpetuated the myth that they are dangerous. They get the 'devil' name because of the screaming, growling and slobbering noises they make when feeding, which is mostly carrion, as opposed to the misconception they are deadly hunters. They will feast on carcasses when they find them, often furiously and noisily but that is to with the pecking order of groups usually not an inherent savagery.
Number one for most misunderstood animal? Probably!
Number one for most aggressive? Definitely NOT!!
I love wild animals ,
Wow ?
Boring video
I am surprised a dog made it to No
2 on this list? Where are the tigers? Elephants?
i alway wondered if megalodon can eat a hippo
You know not to mess with hippos when they can put the fear of God into the lions with just one look.
Me who's afraid of roosters: cassowaries exits
You really put the Tosa inu on here? You trying to have them viewed as pit bulls once was? You’re just a dick
wHo aRe YoU MaN
Buffalo ? Are Known To Be Kind But If Someone Attacks It So It Will Attack Like That !!!!
All the more cute except the elephant in the chameleon
Yeah, the tasmanian devils are the best for me, but i think cassowaries are more dangerous than T devils
If I saw The Black Mamba I would eith scream or faint
Animal lover
Black Mamba: Im the fastest snake nobody can catch me!
Mongoose: Let me introduce myself.
Edit: Mongoose can defeat Black mamva
I love how Crocs don’t ever run away
Ummm… Bro you ok?
What about kangaroos
Song in the background?
I live next to a mountain of baboons
This is bullshit..stupit comparation, 50% this animals is less agresive than some animales which is not here
Very Interesting Video, Liked it.
Alpha Gorilla Chimpanzee Gets Very Angry Aggressive Video:
Hunny basher does not really give to shits about anything hes a Hunny Basher they don't give fuck??
The honeybadger is full of mentality
Ooooga boooga what????
Most agreesive animal into the world is tiger
badgers are school threats
I love the color of that cassowaries
Legends have seen this video from a different channel ?
Bonus 0 is me when I’m hunting ice cream Nothing gets past me
The last animal looks deadly but the tosa puppies look cute
Lol 4:14
The leopard
Make more please
I clicked this because i saw Lion in the thumbnail ?!