5 Most Haunted Moments CAUGHT On Camera | REACT

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Keep watching to see these reactions to some of the most haunted things caught on camera!
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Content Featured:
Ghosts in Compton

Ghost caught on camera doing exercise in park

Baby monitor catches ghostly figure walking around girl’s crib

Ghost Hunters: Ghost Caught on Camera at Haunted Hospital (Season 1) | A&E

Gettysburg 13 ghosts

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Produced by Sierra Middlebrooks, Lauren Hutchinson
Vice President of Production – Kate Grady
Head of Current Programming – Kyle Segal
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Producer – Lauren Hutchinson
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#Haunted #CaughtOnCamera #FBE

5 Most Haunted Moments CAUGHT On Camera | REACT


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About the Author: REACT


  1. I say the ones who are saying ghosts aren't real, maybe have them follow some ghost hunters or go on a paranormal tour to haunted areas.
    Or have them do their own paranormal investigation with some ghost hunting equipment even have a person who specializes in it. Also have them meet with a certain ghost hunting team that have two actors from horror films and a stunt man. I forget their name from its a California paranormal investigation team.

  2. I will say that a lot of ghost tv shows aren’t believable at all but that tv show is run by Grant and his life work is studying paranormal. It’s not fake. A lot of the others are.

  3. You guys should react to the 10 ten most haunted places in LA

    – The Queen Mary
    – The Roosevelt Hotel
    – The Hollywood sign
    – Milenium Biltmore hotel
    And.. idk what other hotels.

  4. 1: Real, but not a ghost its either vapor or smoke and the wind moves it back and forward.

    2. Staged, trust me, fishing line can really be hard to break.

    3. Real but not a ghost but light reflected from a car or something else.

    4 fake, phones dont have real thermal cameras in them.

    5. Fake, the have debuged that one, they are filming through a sheet of glass and moving and object behind the camera, and how to see this, look at the moving "light", its NEVER center, its above or beside center. Which tell you that this is 100% fake.

  5. Kinda wanna see people react to youtubers going to haunted areas. Those are always interesting to watch, staged or not. (My favorites are Japanese youtubers exploring local hotspots).

  6. Hello there fellow viewer, I'm the only sane person in this comment section all the other comments are childish and stupid. Have a good Youtube video

  7. My mom told me that when I was a kid I’d look down the hallway and say hi but there was nothing there and my dog would come next to me and bark

  8. hey about the first video- did you ever thought about it being a flashlight- at first it seemed like a light from a flashlight to me
    idk im not saying its fake but that it could be something different

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