We got a Roomba just before Christmas and Oliver isn’t sure what to think of it. We mounted our GoPro camera onto the Roomba to take a video of his reactions. Check it out!
We got a Roomba just before Christmas and Oliver isn’t sure what to think of it. We mounted our GoPro camera onto the Roomba to take a video of his reactions. Check it out!
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Oliver is supervising the Roomba.
2:39–2:49 I'IL SAVE YOU
Oliver is so cute and he has grown up so much. I hate how young pups grow up so mature.
oliver: ? [bark]
roomba: (turns around) what did say?
oliver: ??
Oliver, you are pure joy ?
Next episode how Oliver destroyer Roomba
Oh my! That's so sweet ? Love his expressions ❤ Enjoyed the video. Thanks!
Q graciiiiinha!!!’nn
Que lindo
2:00 "Error: no butt for sniffer protocol."
Oliver you are a cutie. I love watching your video's. Much love
Thats funny!))
i cant believe i literally watched a roomba from a roomba’s point of view and liked it. lol
I think this is my favorite video of all! I love how in the beginning it's from the POV of the Roomba.
올리버 귀여워ㅠㅠ
Your home is beautiful and I’m so happy Oliver has such a wonderful family. Thank you for sharing!
This is so cute i wish i had a dog like this
Toys and puppies first!!! Save us all!
A reação do Oliver é engraçado ???!!
Screw 314 people how could you not like this
What do you study, Oliver’s dad? The music is perfectly matched to the clips
Ah he needs to be comforted by this monster!
Our dog started the iRobot twice so she could play with it. It does a good job on floors. Ours have never been cleaner.
Oliver must have think the roomba is a robot.
Oliver ❤❤❤
…… and when the robots take us over Oliver will just say " I tried to warn you " !
Save us, Oliver. The Roombas are trying to take over!
The camera views from the attacking Roomba were indeed a priceless record of the conquest.