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#fotw #dota2
00:00 Intro
01:15 Fails
10:20 Outro
Skip intro 1:15
I googled cliffs of the week, I wasn't disappointed.
I Void defense, that Pandalier did not took the Hi-Way to the fight but the Gravel Road on his Road bike to the team fight.
legend says void is still tping
Last time I watched one of these was 2016
Me an Indonesian,
Sunsfan : "Next clip by dirumahaja"
Me : "Sounds like indian name"
Also My 2 last brain cells : wtf? it's your mother language, di rumah aja or "Stay Home" in english. you idiot..
"Dee roomah hajjah" ok
"if u guys dont know what we are talking about, u should google it"
ur videos would have More views if ud just shut up
This still exists?? 😀
We love u slack
I miss reaves
Is there an option to turn off the voices?
do ppl stil play this game?
Lion tried to make sure Tide won’t dagger out. He took haste rune and dagger back in to hit Tide. Unfortunately he misclicked.
Well void name "dirumahaja" is mean "just in home"???
3:24…. Apakah disini ada orang indo….
very boring intro for the 2nd time
That lion blink ohhhhh boy
Is that a new spot for waldo I see?
which doctor? PepeScoots
That Lion didn't like uphill misses, he said fuck this need to man up ;D
waiting for new hero POG…
This would be a hit mobile game for dota2.
Wild rift = LoL
PoG = Dota
On pudge clip, what's he even hooking? The stun? Void spirit still stay where he was
Next week: "Oops! All Void Clips!"
Cliffs of the Weak was 2015 wtf
outro had me in tears…you've done it again. One of the best episodes of fails yet.
Finally the Title make sense
Pudge Hook Range should Scale based on STR
I believe what happened with Sven was that the hammer hit Ember while he was mid-flight on the second cast, and since the first hammer was older, the game teleported Sven there. A similar thing happened with Mars, where if you threw a spear, used refresher, and threw a second spear at someone, if the first spear expires during the "latch on" animation of the second, the target would teleport to the first spear. Normally there's a failsafe max range on these kinds of things, but like with the Pudge IO hook, I think that failsafe is only for teleport effects sourced from the enemy.
Wow from fails of the year , to fails of the month. Pogggg