Fails of The Week: Fan Submissions | FailArmy

Fails of The Week: Fan Submissions  | FailArmy
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We are so excited to debut the very first FailArmy Fan Submissions video. These were submitted by you, the fans! Let us know what you think below, and make sure to submit a video to us to be featured on FailArmy. Just head to and drop your video there!

Do you want to see all the crazy fails from FailArmy’s past? See the fails that have been banned by YouTube on our new app and website!
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FailArmy Fan Submissions are all about you the fan! We

FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 million fans across digital platforms!

To license any of the videos shown on FailArmy, please visit Jukin Media at



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About the Author: FailArmy


  1. Lots of people are asking below about where our clips come from. We have a combination of fan submitted and research found clips. We find a good amount of our clips and get permission from owners to use. We'd definitely like more straight from you guys though, that's why we wanted to start Fan Submissions – we'll have some old but hoping you'll send us more so we can be all new one day!! Submit at

  2. guys I just found that failarmy being cheap cuz expensive things overwhelm him and he doesn’t have a full bank account, he’s not 25 just some desperate-for-fame person (25% of the time) etc. He’s a cheap person and he’s going broke from the new content so he refuses things. Ok? Please understand this has no offense to failarmy

    Watch failboat instead pls this guy really gotta die and start over he failed already and he’s tryna hide it so he gets what he wants

    Maybe I could start a fail channel myself?

    I went too rough on the last part because I’m the drama god, I create funny scenes for earth, but yea no offense just being like everyone else I do kinda hate the channel tho

    Anyways hey other people watching any suggestions for my own new fail channel? I have temporary Kirby films but we can push that aside
    Oh and like please suggest stuff

  3. Sooooo all the other fail videos WEREN'T fan submitted??
    As any of us who don't use adblock are aware of: they have ads on these videos, which means they're making money…
    You guys are paying these people, right?

  4. 2:44 Ouch! Was it the little toe? I'm convinced we only have little toes for finding furniture legs (often a coffee table or bed leg), especially when you rush through the house bare footed. :-/

  5. ' These were submitted by you, the fans!'
    Oh, and you are submitting all the other videos on this channel? Im not quite getting that…
    These are some alright fails from the past

  6. I’m pretty sure that the show jackass, tosh.o, and rediculousness has a disclaimer on NOT sending in submissions because of liability issues… because asking for videos like this could be interpreted as “make” a video like this. Fail army and Jukin videos should really reconsider this move of action along with deleting this video.

  7. Wow the bitching in the comments section here is shocking. It costs nothing to watch Youtube and fail army videos and people complain like its a service they're paying for.

  8. Completely agree with all of the other criticism. It's quite clear for some time now that you've just been putting out one original video per week (Fails of the Week / Month), plus three or four compilation videos with various titles. No matter how you rebrand them, they're all exactly the same. If you don't have the content, then don't produce the video, even if it puts you out of a job. Otherwise you'll lose all of your goodwill and fade to obscurity, as has happened with Jukinvideo.

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