Natural disasters made worse by pandemic, 20 rainstorms battered China so far this year. Watch this video to know more on this.
#NaturalDisaster #China #WION
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I am happy today china very natural disasters ha ha ha very very bet china country ???
We should show compassion towards fellow human beings and protect nature. Politics and political decisions should not be linked to the suffering of common people. Let us be thoughtful and caring.
Finnaly after all the pandemic stuff, we have a great news ???
Wouldn't you think the CCP would help their people? It's not like they don't have the money?! God is NOT happy, and it shows!
China is to back down from USA or things will triple three fold. Fix your leader, or leave.
As we see in the world today, calamities will come of the most awful, most unexpected; and these destructions will follow one after another and grow worse and worse. If there will be a heeding of the warnings that God has given, and if churches will repent, returning to their allegiance, then other cities may be spared for a time just as we saw in the old world in the Old Testament. But if men who have been deceived continue in the same way in which they have been walking, clearly disregarding the law of God and presenting falsehoods and smooth prosperity preaching before the people, God allows them to suffer calamity, that their senses may be awakened, but the great deceiver who they have grown to love has blinded them through their love for the flesh.
Soon, Satan will put his interpretation upon all the events that are happening around the world, and it will [lead men] to think, as he would have them, that the calamities which fill the earth are a result of Sunday-breaking, when the truth is that the world is breaking the law of Jehovah till this day, and thus the world's calamities will grow worse. Thinking to appease the wrath of God, these influential men in the world will make laws enforcing Sunday observance to stop the calamities. They think that by exalting this false rest-day Sunday, and still higher, compelling obedience to the Sunday law, the false sabbath, they are doing God service, which they will also think to do God's service when they shall make a death decree upon the false Christ at his appearing.
John 16:2 – …yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
As the Vatican will soon repeat history, they will proclaim, "Every man and woman shall repair in the morning to the divine service and sermons preached upon the Sabbath (Sunday), and in the afternoon to divine service, and catechizing, upon pain for the first fault to lose their provision and the allowance for the whole week following; for the second, to lose the said allowance and also be whipped; and for the third to suffer death."!!! Laws, and Orders, Divine, Politique, & Martial For the Colony in Virginia: first established by Sir Thomas Gates, Knight, Lieutenant – General, the 24th of May, 1610
When the death decree goes forward to kill all who will not worship on Satan's Sunday, all will be left to decide who they love and who they serve and who they will worship; Satan on Sunday or Jesus who is the Lord of the Seventh day Sabbath. Mark 2:27-28. Truly, "The Sunday…is purely a creation of the Catholic Church." American Catholic Quarterly Review, January 1883. "Sunday…It is the law of the Catholic Church alone…" American Sentinel (Catholic) June 1893
And so, if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve… – Joshua 24:15.
Xi Jing Pin, you want the South China Sea? Here is your own backyard of the South China Sea. No Nine dash lines, it's all your to keep.
pleese see my video natural disaster @
Pandemic was a warning but CCP remains arrogant, Xi Jinping has forgotten his genocide against Uighur, Fan Lung Gong and other minorities. He need to repent and reverted to stop continuous natural disasters.
Karma returns
This is their payment ….nature's punishing them …❤️?
Innalilahi waina ilayhi rajiun
It is not only in China where natural disasters is happening . I think God is showing us the real disaster .
Natural disasters happens can be anywhere, ok!
Karma is real in china.
Gods is watching. Do you think CCP you can fool god???
This is my kind of GOOD NEWS. This is very entertaining china ?? more to come.
Ship all these protesters, flag burners, freedom haters, monument destroyers to communist China..they hate America and all that it is..just leave..turn in ur citizenship.
Persecuting Christians. This is what u get. God's judgment is upon your heads.
This Pandemic has caused all these storm's think about this The Sun is Hotter than normal…! Reason When is the last time the planes took a break to skies!! The skies are Clearer so Expect some Record breaking storms any day now!?
Good reporting. Meanwhile, about 100 cubic miles of ice is thawed each year from the poles. American right wingers close their eyes and cover their ears when there's any talk of warming climate.
The Chinese government is responsible for that virus
It's just a reminder from God, to repent.
20 rain storms, wow! We in had that TODAY in ATL.
They can't pray! The Communists don't believe in God.
Warning from Almighty God has begun.
the chinas plentifully destroyed the ocean. The mother nature revenge china.
You mean d Pandemic made wore by natural disasters?
They aren't homeless they have mega ghost city's with hundreds of apartments empty unsold they can re-home millions so there is no excuse for people not having a home
Karma is a hitch. Now Mumbai is flooding. Woo happy ??
Flooding brings on so many health issues that they are impossible to count.