Ghosts/Spirits have been reported to be seen on videos when played back, other times they take the form of objects such as dolls. In a handful of these videos cabinets, doors and everyday objects move by themselves. Special effects? You be the judge of what you think is paranormal, fake or has some sort of OTHER explanation.
The animals never fake, they can sense the negative energy
Love from bangladesh ?♥️☺️
I'll never randonaut. Idc if the videos on them are fake. Why risk it ?
The last one is from a old movie
is anybody gonna say that at 10:00 thats actually a scene from paranormal activity haha
The levitated kitchen is from a movie lol
If a dog gives you sign, it's a legitimate thing… coz they don't fake things like humans and they are said to feel negative energy.
BlOODY HELL i just got jumpscared even tho im watching this in 2021
Mine to on the shadow. lmao
0:17. that dog eyebrow tho…
Last video it looks like a movie and the video before the "help me" all prepared and fake
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !! :O
3:12 that's why i hate doll's
got spirit attachment of a young girl age 15
the stuff falling was from above the kitchen, im not sure how it floated unless you paused and checked carefully
– last video btw
Cool vid!! I heard the veil between worlds is supposedly thinnest during these months, Random facts
That terrified me uh I jumped off the bed
That's the kitchen from Paranormal Activity (Three I think?)
Love you hair too btw!!
Whoa Samantha!!!! You are always so photogenic!! You don’t have to be perfect ya know. Also that ghost stuff is scary as heck. Please stay safe.