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#1 Source of Twitch Highlights from the best Content Creator in the galaxy. IMLYKE.
I be seeing ppl hunting beers with Spears or..harpoons in stead of guns brave bastards
Not my comment on the screen at 5:18 talking about "Berlin I would've shit on myself" lmaoo
The bear on the right got black air force energy
bear on the left tried to hit him with those league of legends bush jukes
You should've showed the dude that was on tosh.0 that survived a bear attack, flesh hanging out his body
Praise God ??
1:49 Berlin: “Look at all the niggas in the sky.” lmao
Ok but this is lowkey so wholesome
just.. enthusiastically telling us about random interests he has ?❤️
Berleezy had the same plan as Logan paul ??? 6:35
Going vegan isn’t hard at ALL once you learn how unhealthy meat is and how we aren’t actually supposed to be eating that way. I’m a raw vegan for the animals and my health. There’s a reason why we look at those things and feel bad for the animals! Killing them is wrong. When I eat I always feel happy to be feeding my body what it needs and I can eat how ever much I want because I’m getting my calories from a healthy source. We should all be vegan. Humans are not supposed to be eating meat we are frugivores!
i like the end music i just put dat bih on replay
I missed you. Dm me on ig klittle418
Khabib wrestled bears
All I hear is "This is not what you want Big Fella"
Bruh this is mad irrelevant but I watched back country when I was like 10 or sumthing but There’s this gore scene where a man gets ate alive by a bear and it shows you everything, even the mans appearance, I swear I was traumatized for the next 3 days ?
“I can’t let you get close” goated ?
LMFAO the chael sonnen "i can't let you get close"
"he's like where ya mom at?" LMAOOOOOO
berleezy reacts to 1 animal fight video
Grizzly bears? OK
Sea bears???? Fuck no
Chael sonnen reference. “I can’t let you get close” ?
Bear on the right got black airforce energy
Cant let u get close qouted from one chael sonnen lol
Watch kangaroo fights
When I saw that part of the movie I was so scared and then I had a dream a bear was me andy friends ?
Berlin needs to react to some Tierzoo
vids jus hit dif can’t explain it
Loving these eezyTV updates?
I can’t let that slide!
outro beat name???
Woah ?????
Michale Vick