Its Monday which means its time for Boat Fails of the Week brought to you by Haulover Inlet!
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00:00 Darwin award nominee!
00:16 Captain Crunch! @okaswad
00:48 I felt that over here @luisumpierrecpa
00:54 Juuuust a bit outside (the channel) @captain_colgate @dibsonbottom_adventures
01:13 Hillsboro Inlet claims ANOTHER victim @russmorris @saltwaterjackie
01:32 You scratched my anchor! @iamdavel
01:48 Minn Exploda @zane_arrington
02:02 Beer thirty! @anthonybelcufine
02:46 @MARK THE SHARK tells em how it is @marktheshark via IG
Read our article on the rescue of Stuart Bee here:
Man found clinging to capsized vessel after 24 hours at sea alone
Read our article on the death of Seven Marine outboards here:
#boatfails #epic #sinking
Head over to our Instagram for the "turn down for what" remix of that first clip >>> https://www.instagram.com/badideaboating/
Captain Morgan at the helm ! ??
Lmfaooo hes like ill save your ass but ima smack it after
Wutzup with these guys mooring their yachts in a permanent bow stuff position?
At :07…..The Guy/Girl Now…… HE is now a SHE…..
Hope they all stay down there where they belong
To the stupid guy runny the boat that allowed that kid to be riding on the bow like that….shame on you! To the kid that flew off…your one lucky guy that you didnt get chewed up by the prop! Use your head!!! Nothing would ruin a fun day on the water any faster than you becoming chewed up n spit out!
Some people just do not belong in boats
The guy talking at 3:03 is a pretentious prick.
Who was douchebag filming the guy hanging from the bow? He even tries stopping his friend Dylan from helping another human.
why did you publish 3rd to last video of person in water?
A word to the wise. Boats do not have to run wide open throttle…
How many indian guys does it take to pull up their indian friend?
One white guy.
“Only in Miami”, well move to North Dakota a hole, since you so f smart. You could have helped them.
Should b mandatory to have lessons in a boat just as cars and trucks… So much damage can be caused by inexpensive.. but so funny to watch them "qualified captains" look j r already wet!!! Go to the back of the darn boat!!!!!!
God I hope the guy complaining about a landing fee and not helping gets cancer.
I don’t know if it’s different in different States, but in Virginia it is against the law to sit at the front of the boat with your legs dangling over. The very first clip that young man it very lucky the prop did not hit him.
Can't Stop Laughing ?
"Wrap a rope around his neck"… I hope he was kidding, otherwise it would be murder.
And some people argue about the requirement to have a boating drivers license! Some people just simply shouldn’t be operating a boat!
The dude at 3:30 hanging on for dear life like the titanic went down. Just swim to the back and use the ladder
Most recreational boaters
are actually pretty stupid.
People ask how stupid can you be you can be s stupid as these people
Is it a shock to anyone that @marktheshark in the last video was acting like he was? I mean you look at his Insta and it's just him creepily filming women in their bikini's on his boat. No one should ever go on a boat with him, ever. Especially if you are a woman because he will film you without your permission. Then he acts like an asshat making fun of people and telling them they need to pay a fee when they are just helping their friend out. What a douche.
All the gear……. and no idea.
The boat repair business must be booming down in Miami
Question for haulover: Is the rest of Miami this stupid??
:50 OUCH!
From 2:48 – one really doesn't know what to think about them.
The very first one: I have no words…
That last guy was an Ahole. Boaters trying to get a passenger back & that dope couldn’t get off his fat ass and help ? Disgusting..
That loudmouth talkin about wrap the Rope around his neck and there's a landing fee… he'll be looking at the wrong end of a Glock one day… Guaranteed
Did the first guy get hit by the prop?
I didn't know the Taliban had a boating club.
A landing fee….aka American greed…BS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
It's really great to see that the Trump Rally Boaters are still out there , fun to watch !!!