Hector Rescues Puppies Left Homeless After Flood | Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet

Hector Rescues Puppies Left Homeless After Flood | Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet
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Devastating floods hit Louisiana leaving some pets homeless. Dr. Jeff sends Vet Tech Hector to help rescue them.

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  1. They look 1000% better than what they did. ❤ going to start saving so i can go visit n shake hands with dr. Jeff n staff and donate some money

  2. Baldwin looks ALOT like my almost 4 yr old shepherd hound mix named Winter. She was rescued from the streets of Arkansas when she was only a few months old. She was very small and happy to meet any human. She's now fully grown healthy and spoiled with love. She has a huge fear of brooms and small children on bicycles. I think her tail was run over by a bicycle when she was back in Arkansas

  3. Thank you so much! We are working towards working with and for “Puppy Mill Rescue”…it’s time to act and stop acting ?…please help! They all need a home!

  4. Hector is so very Awesome!!! I love Dr Jeff so much. He's the only Veterinarian who has compassion for people who don't have so much money & the animals who need his gentle love. All of Dr Jeff's team are FANTASTIC HEROES!!!??PUPPY??????!!!

  5. God bless Hector for saving these poor puppies who became homeless after a flood that hit Louisiana. ?????????????? He wasn't alone, Hector had plenty of people from the animal shelters nurture these poor furry ??ies properly. It isn't easy when you're in their ?s.

  6. I live in a small city I wish they had stuff like this so I can be able to find a job and do something I love and be able to know I’m helping dogs out at the same time

  7. Good job guys! The endangered animals need our help so it helps to adopt a pet or help a pet get adopted or you can donate to the endangered animals. There are plenty of ways you can help the animals. Help our Animal Friends thrive!

  8. Gracias mi gente, por ayudar a ésas preciosidades. Que Dios los bendiga a todos. Desde Gran Canaria Island, un abrazo.

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