Puppy With Deformed Elbows Gets A Second Chance + Other Puppy Rescues | The Dodo Top 5

Puppy With Deformed Elbows Gets A Second Chance + Other Puppy Rescues | The Dodo Top 5
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When this puppy was born with deformed elbows, he was going to be put down. But his foster family believed in him — and he worked so hard to make them proud! For more details on the rest of these puppy rescues see the description below!

Puppy Born With Deformed Elbows Gets A Second Chance
Keep up with Tonka’s journey by following him on Instagram: http://thedo.do/tonka. You can help his rescuers save more dogs like him, by supporting Project Precious Rescue: http://thedo.do/precious.

Puppy Who Was Frozen To The Ground Gets Cut Free
Footage provided by ViralHog: (https://www.facebook.com/viralhog/)

Puppy Rescued From Exhaust Pipe
Footage provided by ViralHog: (https://www.facebook.com/viralhog/)

Puppy Hidden In Ravine Is Finally Reunited With Her Sister
To help save more dogs like Lola and Heidi, you can support Mission Pawsible: http://thedo.do/pawsible.

Puppy Saved From Rubble Reunites With Her Mom
To help these rescuers save more animals, you can support Animal Aid Unlimited: http://thedo.do/unlimited.

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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. its sad cause people see dogs as "weak" creatures if a dog i born with a cleft lip or palate oh we need to put it down it won't survive a year but really they will be able to live life to the fullest even with a cleft lip or palate even if they have less then a year its fine let the dog live its last few months the dog doesn't know its time is almost up so how bout make his last few months the best months of his life something as simple as a broken toe can destroy a dogs life cause people think the dog won't walk right and their worried the dog will suffer so they just put the dog down but if they put enough time effort love and passion into this dog the dog life may go full circle and he will be normal again.

  2. Stop the breeders with no conscience. It's so common to get a parking ticket .. will the police please turn their attention to those who deserve to be fined like there was no tomorrow. Animals are beautiful and innocent, and inbreeding .. whatever else has gone on to create these problems for animals, has to be up there with the worst of crimes

  3. ''Hands down my favorite YouTube channel. So many amazing stories. The only downside is how emotional some of the stories are. Sometimes I feel like a big baby when I cry because of how much the stories move me. Most of all it is amazing to see there are still a lot of great kind hearted people out there

  4. How could anyone think this deserves a thumbs down? ? What did these puppies do to you? You probably have no love in your heart and that’s just sad.

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