The San Andreas Fault runs roughly 800 miles through some of the most valuable real estate in the world. The southern section hasn’t had a significant quake for over 300 years. Find out more in Season 1, Episode 1, “San Andreas Fault.” #HowtheEarthWasMade
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HISTORY goes to the ends of the earth to find where our world began. Forged from fire and ice, formed by floods, volcanoes, asteroids and earthquakes, our planet tells a dynamic geological story. What are mega-tsunamis? What happens when you have millions of years of rain? Visual effects, location filming and stunning aerial photography bring viewers back 4.5 billion years to enjoy a unique window on our world. How the Earth Was Made peels back time like layers of rock to reveal the origins of the place we call home.
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If there are Rich people who live in the United States then they have a responsibility to their country and pay their own taxes if they don't pay then they can go to prison for a long period of time and still have to pay their taxes someone from the IRS. Will be taking care of all their taxes for 10 years or more if people don't want to pay this is what should be happening i think
Typical Humans, Thinking We Have Mother Nature Figured Out. How's That Worked Out For Us So Far ?
It ain't over. Just don't know when.
Wait. What about an large asteroid ?
We'll be able to see that ? before it lands.
California,the United States needs this more than ever California has dropped as soon as the tsunami hits there will be no more drought in California ? so if I were you I would start to learn how to grow in salt water
I am sitting exactly 500feet off the San Andreas fault line as I type this. I have lived near it for 40 years. Absolutely fascinating!!!!!! Thank you for this video!
I lived in Orange County for 8 years back in the 80,s. I never felt an earthquake during that period of time, although there were dozens recorded. I moved to the Midwest and felt a 3.4 within the first 3 months.
Maybe california will sink with all the liberals dying a horrible death
California is gonna get hit hard one of these days! A huge quake will shake the land and weakass L.A. and all it's sports teams will crumble underground haha! What a beautiful site to see, lol!! The whole State of California should break off the US and float away or sink to the bottom of the ocean or just crumble!! Good riddance, haha!!
GOOOOOOOD Let there be a massive earthquake and everybody dies
I have children that live down with earth ?quakes I am told my house will have ocean views. That scares me to death. Our infrastructure is so fare behind the rest of the world it criminal. Washington needs to do something for the American people. We are freezing in the winter frying in the summer,literally. We suffer so much at the hands of politically motivated rich politicians it's a crime. There are many who lost water ?for their home this year because their wells ran dry. The senate needs to pass a decent infrastructure plan now Americans should demand it.
The aromatic archeology nomenclaturally test because interviewer typically educate per a blue john. skillful, unique thunder
Alien life is pure dribble
Accidentally step on that crack.. you will be breaking more than your mother's back.
Yeah, but Democrats run California so the San Andreas fault would only be the SECOND biggest disaster to hit California.
In 1980 they said their will be a big earthquake within the next 30 years and in 1986 next 30 years in 1993 next 30 years….in 1998 next 30 years….
40 some years later from the 1980 and still counting the next 30 years ?
that's alot 30 years.. no one knows when decade, years , months , weeks , days, hours ,seconds , and minutes… we will know when we're in it as it happens..
prove its 4.5 million years old.
Precisely the area I suspect will cause a soo-nam- A(big wave caused by an earthquake) before Yellowstone blows.
I hope the left coasts lefties go first
Looking forward to CA slipping into the sea… it will be very entertaining, I got my popcorn.
Think if California fell into the ocean today majority of Americans would be ok with it
San Andreas is child's play compared to the Cascadia Subduction Zone.
If it takes hollyweird out, I'm all good with that.
What would happen if a terrorist was to throw a bomb in the Fault line? WOULD it cause an earthquake?