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On Day 8 of our trip to South Korea, we took a day trip to Namwon and enjoyed some delicious mudfish, both deep fried and in a stew.
00:18 Gwanghalluwon Garden – 3,000 Won ($2.56) – As soon as we arrived to Namwon, we first toured the Gwanghalluwon Garden, which is a historically important garden in South Korea, home to one of the most important love stories, which is similar to Romeo and Juliet.
2:41 Mudfish at Saejip Chueoyang (새집추어탕) – One of the most famous foods in Namwon is mudfish, which is fished from the river nearby. For lunch we went to a restaurant called Saejip Chueoyang (새집추어탕) to eat both fried mudfish and mudfish stew. Mudfish stew – 8,000 Won ($6.82), Fried mudfish – 20,000 Won ($17.06). I particularly enjoyed the fried mudfish, they were like little boney fried fish.
8:47 Chunhyang Theme Park – 3,000 Won ($2.56) and Namwon Aircraft & Space Observatory – 4,000 Won ($3.41) – After lunch we walked around the Chunhyang Theme Park and the Namwon Aircraft & Space Observatory.
10:57 Pork belly bbq – 11,900 Won ($10.15) per person – For dinner, Ying and I were back in Jeonju and we headed to a restaurant just down the road from where we were staying for pork belly bbq.
If you’re just joining this Korean food travel video series, watch all the videos here: http://bit.ly/2an8nyP
Disclaimer: My trip to Jeonju was sponsored by the Jeonbuk Centre for International Affairs, but all videos, thoughts, and opinions are my own.
Music in this video: https://www.audionetwork.com/browse/m/track/spring-falls_26630
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Microphone: http://amzn.to/1SBrnwW
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Lol Yings like no too much air freshener spray haha great vlog Mark Love all ur Videos you are amazing
Exciting day for me
산초를 너무 많이 넣었시요
If you type Namwon City Hall in the search box,
There is a lot of information about your village.
I want to smell like bacon everyday lol
형 추어탕에 산초 너무 많이 넣은거같은데…..ㅋㅋㅋ
WoW that Restaurant is very appealing and the food YESSSSS !!!!!! ?❤?
Ying s favourite colour “pink”
very good Restaurant. Ambiene
good foods.?
I have no idea what mudfish but they look good. Love fish.
좋타 ㅎ 내돈받고 가면되서 행복해 합니다
That guy just grab his food for the fish ?
I really enjoy watching your videos, Mark. But, after the raw garlic and onion, I bet you breath was horrendous, Mark. I hope Ying ate it also, so your could talk to each other! 🙂
I am so sorry goddd ? ? ?
0:36 MIB Doorman doesn't exactly spell city of love. And your G-Man… Oh well, thank you JCIA for the tour o_o
Still, did the G-Man simply drove you to places, saying nothing, emotionless, unparticipative althewhile documenting and internally relishing of your struggles in your unworthy touristiness or is it just a weird impression I got looking from here, sitting on my chair far away?
추어탕에 산초를 많이 넣으셨네요~ 산초 보다 들깨가루를 넣는게 더 맛있어요~~^^*
I'm living in Korea, and eager to visit Namwon to get some chuatang, i love it.
Love story is taught in schools? Now , I think I know why most of the K – dramas are romantic ?
Ohhhhhh…A;; you can eat bacon…*drools( Wow! They'd be in trouble if I went there! LOL I'd be there for hours, maybe DAYS..!
; D
I want the stew, i guess its one of sarangs dad fave food. I once watch in TROS sarang grandma made this mudfish stew and it loookssss soooooo amazing.
남원사는데 광한루나오니 신기하네ㅋㅋ
외국인들이 도전하기엔 보편적 한국음식은 아닌거 같네요. 전주투어 메뉴가 거의 토종아저씨 위주로 국밥류가 주종입니다. 외국인을 위한 메뉴선택이라기보다 한국관광객에 더 적합한 메뉴인거 같습니다.
2:06 ??
The spraying made me laugh .. you a lucky man .. Ying is a smart one ?
Love your videos I watch them every day you take me to different places and I enjoy watching you eat different foods from different places
food outta sight
I want to try the mudfish, it looked so yummy
우~와~~~ 진심 추어탕 제대로 즐기시는듯^^ 3일 걸려 한국판 다 봤습니다 ㅎㅎㅎ 마크~!지역마다 계절마다 즐기는 특산물이 제각각이랍니다. 담엔 가을나들이도 함 계획해 보세요~~ 단풍과 어우러져가는 가울맛도 또 다른 맛입니다.^^
Mud fish???? The name alone. ??
I wish I was there Mark so that I could have helped you eat the delicious food
Jeollabukdo Province has 14 cities and counties, Jeonju as the capital of 650,000 in population. Iksan is the second largest city in terms of population, 300.000. Gunsan is the 3rd one..with 280,000..and Jeongeup City, Namwon City, Gimje City..along with counties like Imsil, Jinan, Muju, Jangsu, Buan, Gochang, Sunchang, and Wanju.
When you come the next time to Province, try to see more like Gochang, Sunchang and Wanju….three of them are great to see as well. Hope to meet you in person, and I can take you there.~~
Love the smile on your face, brings absolute joy!
You and Ying are so cute!:D such a joy to watch you guys. lol at the water fountain