No one in this video left with serious injuries. I made sure that no one did to make people feel more comfortable. Well . . . as comfortable as you can be while watching a near death compilation.
CHECK MY OTHER VIDEOS PLEASE! (when I’m not showing people almost dying and putting happy songs over them, I make commentary videos)
Discord – https://discord.gg/uSFnaHm
Please watch some of my other videos 🙂
When I’m not showing people almost dying, I like to make commentary videos.
Discord – https://discord.gg/5PQUFcg
What i learned from those videos: Don't sky. Don't ride. Don't drive . And absolutely do not do skydiving
Post part 11 Please
1:43 that’s not a bruised back
Is this the most current episode as of January 2021?
0:34 There's a video of a guy scraping ice off his windshield, he jumps away from his car,
and a big rectangle of something nearly cuts the car in half. Was it this guy's fault?
Another youtube channel has made the same exact content as this their channel is called Loop AMV they made the first best day ever over near death experiences over 3 years ago that's a little sus but they only made one video so i guess you did it better lol
2 people disliked because it ended on a odd number
I’m going to hell for laughing at the second one???
Congrats you have earned a new subscriber
Lord of the meme
Return of the king
That last one got me
Why'd you tell me to shut up on your stream?
I remember your stream last week you told me to shut up coz I said u were sus
Triendium please unmute me in general on discord mr.chip and nova are abusing admin my account is MALO251 I'm pretty sure
Well bois, ITS BACK!!!
I’m baaaaaaack
Hi I’m your friend on Xbox over the weekend could we play something? I’m lonely
Why can’t I stop watching these.
Me waiting for the battle pass trailer be like
Ha I’m already a mod in your discord
Lets gooo I love these whens number 11
O ya. Now I remember why I subscribed to u
It's bad that I can sing this whole song
He’s done it bois
He’s done it
Ah, yes here we go again.
Back to how the videos used to be. I like it.
The last clip legit makes me want to never even think of trying parachuting or even bunjee jumping and sky diving.. Anything with my life reliant on ropes and strings thousands of metres in the air, na not happening. Holy shag
1:35 bruh
This again lol
In Soviet Russia Death is toure friend
my cat trying to climb the book case: 0:31
Spent the last two hours just tieing my shoe at this point just get velcro straps
Hell ye
Hot diggity dog was close?
It’s the best day ever when one of these drop