I want to move out.
I invited a real ghost hunter to investigate my new house since I’ve been hearing weird noises, and what we found is actually terrifying. What should I do?
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Justin the Ghost Hunter:
@Spurrier Paranormal
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Watch until the very end and you’re going to get the chills.. ?
i heard dog water
Not gonna lie Rug. You gotta start trying to engage more of these things because that’s why you hired that investigator. His job is catching stuff and he loves it so don’t pull him away from it. Love ya ruggy❤️ Stay safe
7:56 that picture behind rug moved I swear
12:38 black jump
24:09 the back the thing is flashing like the ac next to the door
imagine u walking and u have ghosts just following u
I heard rug is gonna die 3 times
That’s crazy you are going to die stays safe
God bless us all ?
9:33 it says get out???
it's already 2021 but in this vid why? do i keep hearing whispers?
im still wondeeing if ghost are acualy real
I heard help
While I was watching this video two things fell out of my shelf and there no wind
How did no one notice at the end he siad – I wi-ll k -ill u
It's was a girl and she sad in the hallway your going to die
At the end theres flashing yellow
Rug has fans from the dead ??
Justin’s cracked at Fortnite my guy
stop covering it i want to hear it
memorey of what
It said faze rug I think the time is 9:32 I don’t think they heard it or I’m just stupid
He said good bye freind
as soon as the sprinkler turned on i heard something say '' its coming''