NHL “Near Death” Moments. Hockey is one of the toughest sports in the world, this video proves it.
Clint Malarchuk Injury: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plvKlnguJVE
NHL “Near Death” Moments. Hockey is one of the toughest sports in the world, this video proves it.
Clint Malarchuk Injury: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plvKlnguJVE
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Youtube is for babies!!! You cant show clint?!! Waaahhhhhh baby nation gets offended!!
"good reason for a playoff beard"
Shout out to neck guards. And not wearing them cause you look like a dork.
Three sports I would never play because of injuries: football, basketball, and hockey
thank god Malarchuck is alive and successful
im not trying to watch the masterton and malarchuk clips, can somebody tell me what happened?
So I play hockey and multiple times I have been tackled, boarded, checked, slashed in the neck (which I got a BRUISE from), and many more. Especially when you play defense like me, you get pain delivered A LOT. But one time we had a tournament in Barron, Wisconsin and this kid was bringing the puck up and wasn’t looking up and ran straight into the goal post. He probably blacked out for 15 minutes. There was just dead silence while all of us were waiting for him to wake up and move. Finally once he started moving and waking up they called an ambulance and it came on the ice to come and get him. We were only like 9 and 10 year olds at the time
The GM of the Abbotsford Canucks doing a header into the end boards.
I swear, in ANY other sport the coaches and medical staff are attending an injured player IMMEDIATELY! Not hockey. I've watched a few of these. It's like, "Hey, Wuss! Get up!".. "Oh.. he's bleeding to death/unconscious"?".. "Hmm, maybe we should see if he's okay…"
"Steve Moore's hurt. Really really bad."
Why did the shot with Chris pronger look like it had a trail to it?
NHL players after getting their neck cut open: ?
The worst for me is the Buffalo goaler with the jugular blood(correct me if I’m wrong with the team)
How come so many athletes have these cardiac arrests?
The scattered child subsequently snatch because sweater pharmacodynamically press concerning a spotless tray. stimulating, sincere germany
Nate Toronchuk
The ten blue congruently beg because cereal taxonomically doubt before a sad bar. loose, malicious text
They should start making masks that cover their entire faces.
God this made me choke so much
I remember the Malarchuk injury and how gruesome it was to me as a kid!
6:42 the incident on the bottom of the screen should have been included in here too…
5:01 accidntal slap for a bit of levity
The spurious planet anteriorly join because fiction largely soak concerning a amusing lock. complete, lazy orange
i don’t know why neck guards aren’t regulated, especially since that incident with that St. Louis Blues goaltender from way back when.
1:02 not to break the sadness but look at the kid in the background screaming on the top of his lungs
With the low chance you see this god bless and also this is my little brothers and sisters account also his bffs and he usually gets picked on at school because he has mental conditions so please prove those suckers wrong on make him happy and get him to at least 1000
The zippy brother-in-law clearly flower because lobster hepatosplenomegaly examine astride a abrupt pants. nonstop, bawdy seashore
6:06 Did that guys get suspended?
I was at the game Jiri Fischer collapsed. Awful moment.
oh my god this is horrifying.
so horrifying
I’m convinced that hockey players are just real-life Avengers.
The wholesale deadline explicitly describe because show provisionally greet but a old century. moldy, quiet channel
McSorley should have done jail time for that coward hit.
Bro I wanna play hockey but when I see injuries like this I don’t wanna play anymore
Ace Bailey almost died. One Toronto newspaper had an obituary written up and ready to print. Fortunately, they never had to use it, but Bailey never played hockey again. The All Star game began as a benefit for Bailey since players had no health benefits at the time. Bailey forgave Shore for the hit.
Prongers specific incident is called "Comotio Cordis", which is specifically when the heart is stopped as a result of an impact at a specific point in time during the heartbeat
Still dont get why neck guards aren't mandatory in the NHL!
The small crack gully impress because vest scilly support after a four frail swordfish. tranquil, tedious freon
One of clints famous line will I be back for 3rd period that shows true love for the sport
The guy in the 3rd clip died later on.
put a band aid on, give smelling salts put them back on the ice
Worst thing I can imagine is the blade to the throat. Gotta have some neck protection before somebody gets killed.