I don’t own any part of this video, I just made a montage out of them, all credit goes to their belonged owners as listed below.
If you want this video taken down, just send me a message.
Intro Source From:
MMOTION: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqG0HBlorW6O5GuqH1Smj2A
Source Video From:
BOOSTEDH2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNWf0nCl6ns
Travel with aditya: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npveA4IhXdM&t=8s
Twinny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z2CyqOtsF8
Job BikerBoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyek_rMt0mE&t=410s
chilaxincharles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4b6V9iDpmk&t=8s
Zyxxer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBGEr0432yE&t=34s
Tags (Please ignore this): Mr LightMode, Light Helmet Review, KTM Duke 690, KTM Duke 790, KTM, KTM 890 Duke R, Super Duke 1290R, KTM Duke 690 R, KTM Duke 250, Yamaha MT-09, Supermoto, KTM SMC, GoPro, SUPERMOTO LIFE, SUPERMOTO MOTIVATION, This is why we ride, BMW S1000RR 2020, KTM Duke 200, BS6, stupid crazy angry people vs bikers, moto madness, people vs bikers, angry rage compilation, road rage usa, moto madness 2020, biker vs road rage, biker vs angry people, biker vs, road rage biker, road rage, angry man, stupid crazy angry, stupid crazy angry people, angry people 2020, angry people vs motorcycles, angry people compilation, angry people, bikers, angry people vs bikers, road rage 2020, road rage motorcycle vs car, near misses, mirror smashing, mirror smashes, crashes, wins, fails, close calls, motorcycle videos, worst drivers, stupid crazy, bikers vs people, dash cam, bikers go pro, bad drivers vs bikers, motorcycle near miss, motorcycle close calls, biker breaks mirror, 2020, honda, monagan, tyler, pit bike, wheelie, kawasaki, funny, klx110, racing, kid on dirtbike, vlogs, pit bike build, suzuki, dirt bike, fail, motorcycle, ssr, new pit bike, ktm, build, insane, first dirt bike, insane pit bike, motocross, dirtbike, mini bike, pitbike, best pit bike, enduro, vlogging, fastest pit bike, supermoto, jumps, build series, fails, how to, almost crashed, first ride, stunts, motorcycle build, kawasaki, suzuki, enduro, kx, yamaha, honda, motocross, ktm, four, moto, 250, 450f, 500, 450, compilation, race, two, supercross, 125, endurocross, sx, yz, ama, crf, pro, whip, cr, scrub, rmz, fast, pinned, rm, 250f, husqvarna, vs, huge, jump, professional, kxf, ride, Yamaha R6 2020, Yamaha R6 2021, Honda adventure, Honda Africa, Nocopyright music, FlyBy, Fly By
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4:25 bike be like : I will complete race on my own ??
5:38 overhead ?
I ride fast
Don't take decision from mind.. Take Right decision from Heart ??
Second one kinda funny ?
Ktm – ara ma to bach gaya?
1:54 ???????????
Oh no why did I click on this?!
He landing on their head…ofcs he deathh ?
Ride to safe
3:11 was the car drivers error
3.04 to 3.20 He just learned basics of doing accident ?
Ride slow ?life good 4ever?
O cool
I'm happy to see these morons flying on road. Sad part is innocent people getting affected because of these idiots stunts.
Never give up
Fuck that moments….
1:35 for 2 people a 250 they were hauling ass god damn
3:14 is why think that if you have the right-of-way, use it! Slowing down to let others through causes confusion and…accidents. That white Cadillac should have never stopped.
1:38 the car owner is also at fault on this, why tf would u want to park on a highway.
Funny raidar
That three way race was just a battle of the retards
2.25 thoda aur chipak ke race kar lete???
This video is for those people who are showing the power of h2r. Their is no mistake of h2r
2:15 is not an accident ?? inexperienced rider he is
Poor bikes.?
All of them R I p
See this in VR???????
I'm coming home to night" *#?♂️☠️✨?
Video no.3
4:28 the long walk if shame
Omfg why was that car there ??? Brutal omg
i can feel these accident