10 Cutest Exotic Animals You Can Actually Own as Pets
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Do you want to be another boring pet-owner? Or are you looking to turn a few heads on your next morning stroll with your newest animal-companion? Well, you could brave the mission and opt for a Bengal Tiger like Mike Tyson. But a full grown wildcat is quite a piece of work and not exactly what we had in mind for today’s list. We were thinking a little more cute and exotic: Like the playful Chinchilla or the fluffy Fennec Fox. Perhaps even a Goofy Crested Gecko or a dog-sized Rodent, like the Australian Capybarra. With a little extra research and work, these bizarre and adorable animals could realistically become your next pet. So if you’re looking to turn a few heads and melt a few hearts with your newest, unusual animal-friend, stay tuned as we count down our Top 10 Picks for the Cutest Exotic Animals You Can Actually Own (As Pets). Oh and if you thought crabs couldn’t be sweet, then stay tuned for #1, because this unique and exotic critter is sure to make your aquarium a lot cuter. Ok, let’s get started
00:05 – Welcome
01:11 – Capybara
02:08 – Serval Cat
02:50 – Fennec Fox
04:10 – Box Turtles
05:01 – Chinchilla
05:56 – Sugar Glider
07:01 – Kinka Jou
07:37 – Crested Gecko
09:00 – Capuchin Monkey
09:41 – The Hermit Crab
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I wouldn't recommend owning s turtle I had 2 of them if u don't have a reptile vet then they get sick pretty quick so be careful
Just Visit Once on My Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/FeverofPets
do not get foxes as pets ever a fennec fox is proabably a bit different but anyone wondering oh a fox its cute trust me it will be realllly crazy and chaotic
I adopt hedg
whole world: aww so cute
china: ooo looks tasty
Yeah anytime something gets banned I my area I just move. Like it soooo easy I just walk away and move in.
How can I get these pets
We don't have enough abandoned dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs…??? This is so irrespsonsible.
Watch these cutest and funniest pets
I love animals
So cute
Very nice video
I'm pretty sure I have multiple box turtles in my backyard.
ill tell my mom becouse its so cute
How dare them talk about getting a animal for your own entertainment are you kidding
I only watched this shit video to see if Pikas were on the list.
5:43 chinchilla parkour fail
0:00 this part is too adorable
4 Ever Green : Kinkajou.
Me : pikachu
4 Ever Green : KINKAJOU.
Me : pikachu
Human ego – 'lets just pluck this wild animal out of its environment and make a pet out of it'.
Exotic animals here for adoption
Get new friends today
I grew up with many squirrels & racoons… they can be domesticated & are really cool pets! Also very territorial over their owners!
Paris Hilton was bitten by her pet Kinkajou wayback 2006
"Squirrels cannot be domesticated." Uhhh…. WRONG!!!!! I've seen MANY people domesticate them (at least ones that were found as newborns, and handfed and raised by the human). So yeah – you're wrong there.
This animals are soo cute. ?Isn't?
7:52, that's not even a crested gecko..
Exotic animals should stay in their natural habitat. It is wrong having one as a pet. Stupid to promote this.
Australian Capybara (0:37) Really??!! How Ignorant Can Some People get??!! Dear God, Some Youngsters may rely on these kinds of videos, for learning ? Capybara are native to the Semiaquatic parts, of Central & South America. Did one of your experts, see one in an Australian Zoo ????
How are you going to put hermit crabs as number 1. Disappointed
I went on a web to buy a fennec fox when I saw it UwU
Terrible ? videos, wrong and a stupid, ignorant ? narrater to condone this. As they all belong in the wild not in anyone's living room. The title should have been Animals People shouldnt have as pet's as they are stealing and taking ? them from the wild and it's a discusting trade. So to encourage it as being great and fun and different things to do is completely wrong. Video. Not to be encouraged at all.
Monkey sell is know hamadryas baboons wild mountain of saudi arabia
I live in saudi arabia sell monkey
I don't really consider hermit crabs exotic.
Adorable Cute / Funny Animals
I actually had a squirrel as a pet for a while but quickly realised it was no pet suitable for a home.
I love sugar gliders I used to have one
There are so many different animals! I still find ones I didn’t know about and it blows my mind!
Legend has it that animal toys are real pets