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00:00 Maybe he’s a mime on vacation? @rachelhaslamruiz
00:21 PLOP
00:43 He’s probably still there trying to get off the sandbar @orsolonracing
00:51 Time to clean the poop deck! @terrenceh24
01:05 Spoiler: they didn’t make it to dinner @clairesigrist
01:54 How I feel walking into work this morning @nickpollick
02:11 So much wrong in 1 short clip
02:14 #itsarental “its not bad” @powndsthedrums
02:43 $60k worth of outboards in the drink @crj_chris
02:40 Diarrhea of the sea @nickvia
03:18 Tried to tell ’em! @nautiknotsfl
03:33 Hey kids cool off your feet by those spinning razors back there?♀️ @austinmm910 @
Best one ever.
You do not let females dock, period
I had a dream… One day people will start to film horizontally
Never let a dog on the bow the dog poops
3:13 don't worry about your impeller or anything….
Minute 1.04 Those girls are still there on the ramp as we watch 😉
At least the poop would roll off if so lucky!
Always considered myself of sound mind and body and average intelligence. But after seeing these videos I realize I'm a f***** genius!
2:55 That dummy was tied to the pilings not the floats, right? My eyesight sucks but pretty sure that is what I saw…..
I cannot believe so many people that are BRAIN DEAD can still actually breathe
The closer you look the worse it gets…. understatement for sure lol but at least he had "safety" chains lmfao
Nice clip of zuckerturd at the start….
Was that Mark Zuckerberg with the sun block all over his face?
Weekend at Bernie's then captain ron
That mindless crew on that Regal with the kids inches away from a meat grinder
What if the first guy is a burn victim? Burned skin is sensitive to sunburns.
38 thumbs down says it all
1:30. Why you always hook up the safety chains……..
Captain deserves to have the poop in their face. Good way to lose a dog – out on the deck at speed. And can’t even begin to complain about risking kids off the swim platform next to running props …
sitting on the transom platform are you freaking kidding me , i am sure if he knew how dangerous that was he never would have allowed it , but the sad thing it proves how people lack logic and common sense and are just STUPID , i just Hope that someone points this out to this guy and maybe with luck the cops got involved
If the Three Stooges were women ……
That's 1 hell of a shit wow. It just keeps going lol
Algae is slicker than pig snot.
That dog has some skill
Drain plug mafia showed up!
3:43 Yes, but….That's an empty trailer. Where do you think the eventual failure point was when they loaded it?…Disregarding the original cognitive failure point, I should say.
Looks like Broncos Guru stole a few drain plugs!
The first clip was very racist.
So much money to spend , so much stupidity to spare . I wish I had a few bucks to spend on a boat ?
The dog told him how he feels about the boat trip
Guess that's why it's called the poop deck.
What a batch that is! The sunscreen clip is hilarious. 0:51 I've definitely heard of water rolling off a duck's back, but this is new to me heh, heh. I can only assume that the ladies at 1:06 thought they were supposed to just unhook from their vehicle…wow. It's probably just as well that they didn't get out on the water. Who let them use their boat? You keep bringin' 'em to the surface Bronco and I'll keep watchin' 'em.
At 3:42 at least they have a safety chain. LOL Two !
Is he doing white-face? ?
Good grief .
Those people should be arrested for child endangerment at 3:33. Are you kidding me!!!!???
Before I back down a ramp I check it for slime. Never launch on a slippery ramp. Just basic boating 101. And just in case it ends up slippery because of tides, buy a couple of $3 bags of sand keep your truck. Seal them up in a trash bag, take em out when home, toss em back in the truck when hooking up . It's cheap insurance.
3:33 The all new Bass-o-Matic!!
I hate mimes.