However you men accept the fact you're not king of the jungle, it's up to you ,you made this a man's world, you did that, all by yourselves, it made women second-class all over the world, God put us here to enjoy The Human Experience and you literally made slaves out of the women for your own selfish needs, selfish wants ,Fantasies , human trafficking ,missing women and children, and you find us dead in Ditches from coast to coast, if I were a man I wouldn't want to go meet God wouldn't want to be in a hurry. I can't wait to get there and I'm not coming back to this man's world,I made sure I didn't hurt a soul I think I'm pretty good to go see you on the other side
I heard a man describe a surgical instrument he saw on top of a high shelf above the surgical team while under anesthesia. The team looked and found it was there and had apparently been placed there and forgotten about some time before. I believe we leave our bodies often while sleeping. The brain is local but the mind is non-local. Quantum theorists suggest this is actually the case with all quantum energy.
Fake sht pisses me off beyond
He is really grasping. He cannot have that there exists The Creator in each and every one of us. This is the typical scientist. They must to what they can to swipe anything that isn't physical under the carpet.
Been there it is supernatural, you'll know for yourself soon enough
California professors? Never mind. God isn’t in their vocabulary. Not going to listen.
can someone from anther realm try to kill someone here on earth .. asking cause one time this phyhic told me that someone from anther realm is trying to kill me
I wanted to know what was transpiring in the mind at the time of an NDE. From what I gathered he said there was no brain activity during anesthesia or when a person is in a coma. Is that really accurate? According to him a person on LSD can have a similar experience as an NDE but still has brain functioning. I think he should have delved into that subject more.
Why some people see things in their near death experience and other people do not see anything at all?
Lol i would have never thought in a million years that a prestigious person can make such an interesting sounding subject not only seem boring and unworthy but also make it sound so unattractive not even worth a second look or thought ……..kinda feels like he has a vibe maybe i just don't get in sync No sense of motivation interest minimal emotions negative spark
Fascinating subject, but extraordinary monotonous delivery.
NDEs are truly meant only for the individual thus being totally unique and to interpret an NDE of a person completely falls short is showing or revealing what NDE truly is!!! You need to experience it yourself!!!
He misses the point of understanding NDE from the scientific paradigm which we all know now is terribly insufficient in analyzing NDEs.
I think interpretation as one experiences NDE is not possible anymore. When Jesus appears to you in the NDE, whether you are Buddhist, Muslim, Jew or Hindu, you will just immediately recognize in an instant Jesus!!!
How I wish and pray that this professor would be allowed to experience his own NDE, then I am sure he will completely recant all of his very short understanding about NDE's.
ZZzzzzz wake me when this gets interesting
what is the purpose of this boring seminar and producer look likes a first grader testing for a reading grade, so what he's trying to say? that is not real, why kill people's hope for a loving ambiance ending? what a jerk, he look like he have no clue or any thing to add o the subject just reading and repeating what he says in all his videos like a parrot.
I haven't even watched the video. I only came here to say "I had a near death experience& it was nothing like what I keep hearing?? Every video says a long tunnel blah blah blah enveloped in a loving light, blah,, more malarkey! I tried to commit suicide with a huge dose of quitiapine, alcohol, opiates, whisky & benzos! I took enough to put an elephant on its back? I should have died, no question, I should not be here & I still can't understand why they sent me back because life got worse? What I can say though is when I was comatose, I wasn't here on earth, I was in a place with 10ft humanoid brings speaking a language I couldn't understand & they showed me stuff which was quite revealing about the origins of each & us, then they put their hands on my head & bang I was awake again! Only thing is everytime I looked at the tent wall of attempted suicide in, I was looking into a room full of beings with exaggerated faces, almost like puppets but with a hunger & intelligence far beyond mine! I knew they wanted to have me in some way but in my suicidal drugged up state I was laughing at them, telling them God had my back, reciting the lords prayer as if just met them in my head! This went on for hours until eventually I fell asleep! What I don't get & it infuriates me is why send me back if only to make me suffer more than before??? I really hate God for that! Life didn't get better, it got worse? Why why why? And now I know I can't even kill myself because he'll just send me back!?
I don’t believe anything from the COMMUNIST UC indoctrination system!?
Did anyone understand this professor's speech. I feel asleep. I couldn't finish watching. He seems uncomfortable talking about something he has never experienced.
Weird heroin addicts don’t report NDE experiences often. Almost like their brain is shut down or something
When my mom was dying she was struggling aa, like no, no, she took holy communion and was sealed of for God was was walking close with God why was still fighting no, no, no….
i died for 22 minutes the 14th of may, i didnt see nothing, no light no tunnel no nothing
“It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.” If I am wrong in my Christian Belief than I am out nothing…But if the non believer is wrong he could potentially be out everything.
Lecture begins @ 5:39
However you men accept the fact you're not king of the jungle, it's up to you ,you made this a man's world, you did that, all by yourselves, it made women second-class all over the world, God put us here to enjoy The Human Experience and you literally made slaves out of the women for your own selfish needs, selfish wants ,Fantasies , human trafficking ,missing women and children, and you find us dead in Ditches from coast to coast, if I were a man I wouldn't want to go meet God wouldn't want to be in a hurry. I can't wait to get there and I'm not coming back to this man's world,I made sure I didn't hurt a soul I think I'm pretty good to go see you on the other side
I heard a man describe a surgical instrument he saw on top of a high shelf above the surgical team while under anesthesia. The team looked and found it was there and had apparently been placed there and forgotten about some time before. I believe we leave our bodies often while sleeping. The brain is local but the mind is non-local. Quantum theorists suggest this is actually the case with all quantum energy.
Fake sht pisses me off beyond
He is really grasping. He cannot have that there exists The Creator in each and every one of us. This is the typical scientist. They must to what they can to swipe anything that isn't physical under the carpet.
Been there it is supernatural, you'll know for yourself soon enough
California professors? Never mind. God isn’t in their vocabulary. Not going to listen.
can someone from anther realm try to kill someone here on earth .. asking cause one time this phyhic told me that someone from anther realm is trying to kill me
I wanted to know what was transpiring in the mind at the time of an NDE. From what I gathered he said there was no brain activity during anesthesia or when a person is in a coma. Is that really accurate? According to him a person on LSD can have a similar experience as an NDE but still has brain functioning. I think he should have delved into that subject more.
Why some people see things in their near death experience and other people do not see anything at all?
Lol i would have never thought in a million years that a prestigious person can make such an interesting sounding subject not only seem boring and unworthy but also make it sound so unattractive not even worth a second look or thought ……..kinda feels like he has a vibe maybe i just don't get in sync No sense of motivation interest minimal emotions negative spark
Fascinating subject, but extraordinary monotonous delivery.
NDEs are truly meant only for the individual thus being totally unique and to interpret an NDE of a person completely falls short is showing or revealing what NDE truly is!!! You need to experience it yourself!!!
He misses the point of understanding NDE from the scientific paradigm which we all know now is terribly insufficient in analyzing NDEs.
I think interpretation as one experiences NDE is not possible anymore. When Jesus appears to you in the NDE, whether you are Buddhist, Muslim, Jew or Hindu, you will just immediately recognize in an instant Jesus!!!
How I wish and pray that this professor would be allowed to experience his own NDE, then I am sure he will completely recant all of his very short understanding about NDE's.
ZZzzzzz wake me when this gets interesting
what is the purpose of this boring seminar and producer look likes a first grader testing for a reading grade, so what he's trying to say? that is not real, why kill people's hope for a loving ambiance ending? what a jerk, he look like he have no clue or any thing to add o the subject just reading and repeating what he says in all his videos
like a parrot.
I haven't even watched the video. I only came here to say "I had a near death experience& it was nothing like what I keep hearing?? Every video says a long tunnel blah blah blah enveloped in a loving light, blah,, more malarkey!
I tried to commit suicide with a huge dose of quitiapine, alcohol, opiates, whisky & benzos! I took enough to put an elephant on its back? I should have died, no question, I should not be here & I still can't understand why they sent me back because life got worse? What I can say though is when I was comatose, I wasn't here on earth, I was in a place with 10ft humanoid brings speaking a language I couldn't understand & they showed me stuff which was quite revealing about the origins of each & us, then they put their hands on my head & bang I was awake again! Only thing is everytime I looked at the tent wall of attempted suicide in, I was looking into a room full of beings with exaggerated faces, almost like puppets but with a hunger & intelligence far beyond mine! I knew they wanted to have me in some way but in my suicidal drugged up state I was laughing at them, telling them God had my back, reciting the lords prayer as if just met them in my head! This went on for hours until eventually I fell asleep! What I don't get & it infuriates me is why send me back if only to make me suffer more than before???
I really hate God for that! Life didn't get better, it got worse? Why why why? And now I know I can't even kill myself because he'll just send me back!?
I don’t believe anything from the COMMUNIST UC indoctrination system!?
Did anyone understand this professor's speech. I feel asleep. I couldn't finish watching. He seems uncomfortable talking about something he has never experienced.
Weird heroin addicts don’t report NDE experiences often. Almost like their brain is shut down or something
When my mom was dying she was struggling aa, like no, no, she took holy communion and was sealed of for God was was walking close with God why was still fighting no, no, no….
i died for 22 minutes the 14th of may, i didnt see nothing, no light no tunnel no nothing
“It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.” If I am wrong in my Christian Belief than I am out nothing…But if the non believer is wrong he could potentially be out everything.