A Compilation of NDE Stories About Leaving the Body

A Compilation of NDE Stories About Leaving the Body
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A compilation of stories describing leaving the body during a near death experience

Speakers in order of appearance: Jayne Smith, Joseph Geraci, Anthony Cicoria, Peter Panagore, Andrew Petro, Nancy Rynes, Diane Sherman, Teri Rose, Susan Noeske, Nadia McCaffrey, Mary C. Neal, Jim Macartney, Dannion Brinkley, Jessica Haynes


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About the Author: NDE Compilations


  1. The interview with Diane Sherman should be edited. There's a lot of great stuff in it, but a lot of repetition, and some pretty mundane stuff too. Just take the best 3 or 4 minutes…and you'll have an uplifting, inspiring story indeed.

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