Cute Gibbons Playing & Climbing

Cute Gibbons Playing & Climbing
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A gibbon is any of approximately 20 species of small apes found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Gibbons, like the great apes (gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, and bonobos), have a humanlike build and no tail, but gibbons seem to lack higher cognitive abilities and self-awareness. They also differ from great apes in having longer arms, dense hair, and a throat sac used for amplifying sound. Gibbon voices are loud, are musical in tone, and carry over long distances. The most characteristic vocalization is the “great call,” usually a duet in which the female leads and the male joins in with less-complex notes, used as a territorial marker by both sexes.

If you love gibbons as much as we do at AnimalTV, please think about donating to The Silvery Gibbon Project. The Silvery Gibbon Project aims to raise funds for Javan gibbons and other gibbon species to provide habitats and protection for gibbons.


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Link to original videos: Gibbon à mains blanches et orang outans de Sumatra La Boissière du Doré 24 05 2018 Gibbon-Nachwuchs Gibbon Sound Hand-feeding baby gibbon for the first time Gibbon Ape Swinging Fast – Showing Off & Checking To See If Everyone Is Watching Gibbon VS Cat Conservation Connection: White Cheeked Gibbon Gibbons eat Thanksgiving dinner! Siamangs Howling UHD 4K FYV Gibbon Running Around – Very Funny – Palmitos Park July 2018 Funny hoolock Gibbon- in Delhi zoo


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  1. What some people want: Return to monke, chill all day in a hammock between 2 trees, eat fruit, hedonism
    What humans get: work 8 to 5, have 3 hours off, 2 days a week, very-little-to-no social/family life, just grind

  2. They are so much like humans…female ones even have their breast nippies 2x around their chest…we were also monkeys way past in time and well also a fish too like the ones we eat today at one point in time… every creature has a chance to evolve and reach the same level of intellect humans do they just need time, alot of time, but well many factors are in effect so yeah that'll not be an easy road but it's a possibility.

  3. If we return to monke we could never understand what it means to be monke.
    Stay wise, accept reality. It can be peaceful. We can save monke.

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