Shortly before one o’clock on the morning of Wednesday 14th June, an inferno broke out in Grenfell Tower in West London. It went on to claim the lives of 72 people.
This is the story of that awful night.
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What kind of moron designed that building?
RIP ? ?
im confused is this bulding in london? or arabia?
1 Staircase? Unbelievable!
Someone somewhere cut corners and needs to be held accountable, but seems like it won't happen , if this was a swanky penthouse department block , then heads would role and people in prison !
I remember waking up, and looking on the news and seeing this. It broke my heart.
9/11 jumper????
it makes me sick thinking that everyone in that video she recorded, including herself didnt make it out.. just terrible
Greed is the only reason why buildings like these are allowed to be built, with no safety systems and failed engineering ???♂️
why did this building not have fire sprinkler system. or another word fire suppression system. every building should have them. they save lives
England are killers I know they have hand behind this ask me why
The world we live in
Someone has to take responsibility for the cladding, I've changed my policy on fires,if there's a fire out of control, just run as far away as possible, quickly as possible
Imagine being able to say that your fridge caused a protest.
I remember hearing about this and then the next day getting a day off school because of how much of a big deal this was
ROight, eight'point'six mills been raised to renovate, and say, five hundred K's of that was actually spent on materials… (not to mention couple'o'thousands that miraculously disappeared in one of the fire inspector's trouser pockets.)
Also, looking at the residents, i sense stereotypical "that'll do" approach towards the services, from the company, since the whole flat seems to be habited by one immigrant law violation to another.
the worst part of this situation.. is that sense of helplessness, and i really feel for the first responders that had to deal with this issue
Alot of victims are minorities. So nothing will happen.
I hate how government leaders always say they’re saving people now and investigating tomorrow. We all know investigation starts immediately. They just want to have more time to change stories so they aren’t blamed. Literally every country does this. ?
How did the fridge explode was the refrigerant flammable?
so why are all those terrorists blaming Terresa may for a building built 35 years earlier which was mostly housing illegal immigrants
Just the fact that it only took 20 minutes to engulf the entire building.
Stopped caring
ไม่ทำสงครามเหรอเมื่อมีกฎ?ของฝรั่งกับคนฝรั่งของคนไทย ?พวกมันไม่จ่ายค่าน้ำค่าไฟในบ้านกูหนะ ค่าสร้างที่อยู่ที่ดิน?ทุกคนต้องจ่าย?หาว่าเป็นคนหมู่บ้านประเทศ
I'm so very sorry to hear..? my prayers for the families..my heart goes out to them..from Canada..❤❤
The building does not collapse?
UK Version of 9/11 literally ? RIP to those that lost their lives?
Shame it couldn't take out the rest of the city
I remember watching it Live when it happened. Rest in peace to lost lives <3
Surely. A rescue helicopter or something
Omg. How terrible those poor souls omg
Ta dziewczyna z tym czarnym gościem co szukał wujka to Polka ?
this is the mossy version of 911, ??? 20 yrs ago ??? but no one is cheering for this disaster are they, thats the difference between them and us. we value life, no matter what religious belief it is
Who is the idiot who passed that cladding material ? He should know aluminum is a very good conductor and low melting point flammable plastic sandwiched in between is a disaster waiting to happen. Definitely not fire proof.
I blame the cladding and fire men like they needed a bigger ladder and a faster escape also they told them to stay in their flats which is wasting time of their escape like I’m kinda right aren’t I?
what's the cause of the fire
the problem was the Tower Insulation wich was burnable, outside of a building u have no sprinklers no fireprotection… very very sad…
13:39. That shot reminds me of 9/11. I cannot imagine the horror of that day. Rest easy to all the victims. This was so saddening to see.
I feel bad for the police. I know its what they signed up for but nobody deserves this.
So sad
Ugh. This is so terrible
Why do thay care about saving money peoples lives were at risk thay knew there was gona be damage but the government does not care for the people this is heartbreaking and upsetting knowing people lost there lives god bless those people I'm praying for them and I'm mad at the government thay have rights to be angry and upset the families just wanted to know were are there loved ones I'm praying for the family and I'm sorry for the losses
So sad prayers for all the loss?❤
This building should have been torn down and rebuilt. If only Britain had the death penalty.
insurance scam