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MY GROUP: https://www.roblox.com/groups/10817668/Ninjasifus-Shinobi-Dojo#!/about
GAME LINK: https://www.roblox.com/games/6166984478/NEW-EMOTES-Hood-Fighting-Rewritten?refPageId=c0c2fe78-bd75-4e0a-9d85-f383464f9de4#!/game-instances
HF:RW DISCORD: https://discord.gg/ysXRfuV3Dw
Hello, I like money. If you don’t mind the new format, tell me in the Discord or comments section. Please leave a like and subscribe to support my channel and share my vids so that they get popular. Clicking the bell icon and joining my Discord server keeps you notified. Roblox group’s there, too. I’d appreciate it.
“Just remember that you are not alone in the world. You are worth something.” – Ninjasifu
#Roblox #HoodFighting #HoodFightingRewritten
How to cash out can you tell me
yo that was me asking if you are a youtuber
King of the hill streaks
hey dude do you want some fighting tips for rw?
Out of this game
Can you give me some tips for leveling in Project baki 2 pls?
I'm lvl 238 and I'm stock
I don't know how to level up anymore
yo I was the dude named Koro sitting down